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It’s the children I will always remember. At least two dozen of them. As soon as they saw our little convoy of vehicles turn up the dirt road to the refugee camp, they emerged from the dilapidated tents and abandoned, boarded-up apartment buildings they now called home and ran right for us. Dressed in dirty hand-me-downs, they smiled and giggled and kibitzed with one another as they looked us over with bright, curious eyes, full of life. Good to see kids are still kids - even here - I thought. This is a guest post from Steve Hertzog, past President of Vanguard College and new Regional Director for Eurasia with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Steve and his wife Patti…
Bob Jones
November 22, 2015


When its been a long time since I've spoken to a friend, I tend to forget just how good of a friend they are. One day, when we finally DO reconnect, I wonder why I ever allowed the time and the distance to keep us apart. We all need community. I truly believe we were created for relationship and to be amongst people.   Melissa Benson grew up in the community at Central/North Pointe. Melissa served our church in outreach ministries to children and youth in downtown Edmonton. She was employed as a youth pastor in Ottawa, Ontario and has volunteered in Haiti and most recently in Malawi serving orphans. Now she is married with a child of her own. She…
Bob Jones
August 17, 2014

Just Walk Across The Room

My wife and I are runners. We’ve completed a 10-miler; a couple of half-marathons and a full marathon. One of the unexpected things I learned to appreciate about running is the "runners culture." The Runners Culture Runners have a culture all their own - language, customs, gear and camaraderie. What I love most about the culture is the runners’ "greeting." When runners encounter runners they ALWAYS acknowledge each other - its one of the rules of running. In passing, they lift a hand to wave, or tip their cap, or offer a “Good morning” or an encouraging, “Keep going!” or the awesome words, “You guys are making it look so easy!” Sometimes its just a smile. Jocelyn and I seldom…
Bob Jones
April 23, 2014