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Life Stories

Kharkiv: Stories From Ukraine

In the beginning of the invasion, when Russian troops were located right outside Kharkiv, they were firing all kinds of artillery shells into the city day and night. Cluster, shrapnel, you name it. It was horrific. (more…)
Bob Jones
November 8, 2023
Life Stories

Every Child Wants The Same Thing

As of January 2023, there were 6.2 million internally-displaced people (IDPs) in Ukraine. The United Nations estimates that more than 3.5 million children across the country have "severe to catastrophic levels of needs". (more…)
Bob Jones
November 3, 2023
Life Stories

A Miracle For Natasha Nikolenko

As millions fled Ukraine during Russia’s invasion, those with physical disabilities had to rely on the help of aid organizations to map out their best exit strategy. Natasha Nikolenko was one of those people. (more…)
Bob Jones
November 2, 2023
Life FormationLife Stories


If you are a young woman aged 15 to 25, imagine that you don't travel all that often. Whether you live in a small town, the country, or a big city, your world is your neighborhood and you know pretty much everybody. (more…)
Bob Jones
November 1, 2023