My first yoga class had me standing as straight as I possibly could stand while reaching my clasped hands as high into the air as was physically possible.
A guest post from Cindy Glubish. Cindy is a wife, mom, singer, songwriter, and author. She loves puns … and chocolate … and cheesy jokes … and dad humor … and Americanos … and Famoso pizza and … will help you experience beauty through all she creates. Cindy helps people think and talk about the messy intersections of faith, life and culture. (This post ws originally published on February 28, 2011)
At first I thought, “This is yoga? I can so do this.” Until I learned that THIS was the entire class. Nothing else. Just reaching up. Straight up, as in, straighter than a wall sorta straight. Just up. FOR ONE WHOLE HOUR!!! Up.
And I should mention here that
a. I am so not flexible and
b. I am so not graceful – so you can imagine how quickly I was eating my, ‘yoga-is-a-piece-of-cake’ words, as my friend looked on in amusement smirking from ear to ear.
Our instructor, taking cue from our/MY pained expressions, kept reassuring the class that it was perfectly normal to stumble, it was totally okay to feel like a fish out of water, that grunting and groaning and sweating and shaking were all part of the growth process, but to continue with the effort cause overtime our muscles would strengthen and relax and the movements would become like second nature – we just had to keep practicing. And I would have believed him had he not been looking right at me every time he said, “fish out of water.” Ugg, the class felt like it was never going to end. But, I was determined to be all yoga-y and so class 2, class 3 and class 4 followed in exactly the same manner: painfully slow and completely humbling.
The Next Movement
Class 5 brought our instructor bouncing through the door ecstatically frantic about the fact that we were ready to move onto the next movement. We had graduated. We were going to learn something new. YES!!!!! I was pumped. I may have flopped the first movement, but I was determined to make movement 2 look like a frolicking gazelle (whatever that looked like). So with my eyes fixated on a gold medal like an Olympic hopeful, I began to slowly follow every little move he made. I stood as straight as a board, I breathed a deep inhale/exhale, folded my hands in front of me, did a slight bow arching my back like a cat as I reached my fingers down to the floor, deep stretch, then I slowly released my breath as I stood to watch him simultaneously stretch both arms out. Not up. Out! And then he said, “Can you see the difference? Can you feel the difference?”
WHAT !?!?!?!?!
I looked at my friend in desperate bewilderment and let out a huge sigh of frustration right as 3 different people hushed me and I realized my little outburst was a tad too loud for the room titled “Pin Drop.” So with smoke whistling from my ears, and beads of sweat rolling down my bright red forehead, I did go on to finish the class, but I made the mental decision right then and there that I was SO done with yoga!
“But why are up and out the only seemingly important movements?” I asked my instructor after the class had emptied.
“Well because, all other movements stem from the core muscles that are used to stabilize the body through these movements. You’ll find yoga to be super easy once you master these 2 basic moves. Without them, you will have no core control, no back support and no strengthened posture to perform the right technique used in the more complex movements. I know you probably want to give up. It’s hard at first, but trust me, it gets easier overtime.”
Enter Epiphany
Is this not a lot like our spiritual fitness?
We live in a pedal to the metal, survival of the fittest society where dog eats dog, speed is the name of the game and he who can get there first, wins. Who wants to be doing slow moving yoga moves when you can run full speed ahead, throw caution to the wind and create dust for other people to eat? This is how I approached yoga. But only upon deeper reflection did I realize and appreciate that slow and steady consistency built my strength. Those seemingly unimportant but ever so subtle movements were my ticket to success. Reaching up gave my back muscles the proper elongation they needed just as reaching out gave me a greater ability to support my body mass during those ‘slower-than-cold-molasses’ positions.
It’s funny how us humans have a tendency to treat our faith and our witness the same way.
Deep Relationship
In the same way I thought I could master yoga in one class, we tend to think we can develop a deep relationship with God after 1 devotional time, or 1 Sunday service, or 1 Bible Study series, or 1 altar experience, or, or, or. The same goes for our witness. We don’t leave an impression on someone with 1 simple wave. It usually takes a lot of ‘slower-than-cold-molasses’ movements and conversations, or driveway shoveling, or gentle phone calls, or consistent prayer to make a little head-way with that friend, or spouse, or neighbor, or teacher, or, or, or.
And when it doesn’t happen quickly, we want to give up. But reaching up and out in our faith is about steady, committed posture. It’s about positioning our lives in just the right way that nothing could make us teeter. The longer we stay in God’s presence and practice that devoted focus on him, the stronger we become in body, mind and spirit.
It’s here where we learn the true heart of God’s style of yoga and it’s here and only here, where we can ever graduate onto movements/years 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 20, with confidence, patience, discernment, understanding, compassion, love, kindness, gentleness and the list goes on. Nothing else can build strength into our lives and give us clearer focus then when our eyes are reaching up to him and our arms are reaching out for him. And it’s only in the ‘up,’ where we discover God’s heart for ‘out.’
Is this hard to do? Yes! Why? Well, a. us humans are not all that flexible, are we? And b. we’re most certainly not all that graceful. It’s only by God’s grace that we could EVER graduate beyond class 5. But as my yoga instructor gently reassured our group in class 1….let me also reassure you in that: it’s perfectly normal to stumble, it’s totally okay to feel like a fish out of water, that grunting and groaning and sweating and shaking are all part of your faith’s growth process, but to continue with the effort cause overtime your muscles will strengthen and relax and those seemingly unimportant movements/efforts will become like second nature – you just have to keep practicing.
“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
-2 Corinthians 4:18 –
My prayer today is that you were encouraged in your ‘reaching up & out’ journey.
Lots of love,
-The Frolicking Gazelle
(ha ha ha, not so much)
-The Yoga Guru
(not in a million years)
-The normal girl just trying to live out her faith
(yip – that sounds more like it)
Have you ever tried Yoga? Please join the conversation and post a below for Cindy.
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Wow! I love the Yoga analogy Cindy.
I met Ken Gaetz in 1977. Within a few days I found myself in Coppermine, a village built on the shores of the Coronation Gulf, and the Sub Arctic Mission’s most northern outpost. I had been a Christian less than two years, but was discovering the vistas God will lay open before you if you are willing. The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, which makes the world a small place indeed. He can move us where He purposes with little effort. My first visit to the far North lasted 4 months.
After five years of Biblical and aviation training I returned again to the North. It was Fort Simpson this time, which is south of Fort Good Hope located on the banks of the same Mackenzie River. I was now a pastor/missionary serving the Sub Arctic Mission. Married and with a 6 month old son, we arrived in February of 1982. Yes, it was very cold when we arrived. This next stay in the North would be four years. Our second son James was to be born at the nursing station in Fort Simpson with a skilled British nurse presiding over the event. Many years later James was to be baptized at NorthPointe Community Church where Bob Jones was the senior pastor.
Our calling was to evolve into more of an aviation focus subsequent to Fort Simpson, but until only a few years ago I continued to fly the length and breadth of our Canadian North piloting several different aircraft types.
Our land North of the 60th parallel as an incredible wonder. As are the people who live there.
Enjoy your stay Bob. It will be an adventure you will not soon forget!
Thank you, Wayne and for all your assistance in getting to the North. It will be an experience I hope we get to share together in the future.
Thanks Cindy for this yoga story which is a way of encouragement to me. In recent time God has spoken to me of lifting weights to strengthen the muscles in my legs which has been affected by chronic Osteo-arthritis. iT is so bad that I cannot bend down to pick up anything from off the floor. The pain is very excruciating. I have seen some change in the muscles of my arm and forearm. My children are surprised at my increase muscle mass due to intense training. But this transformation in my muscles in the arms only comes about in my daily bible reading devotion, pray and fasting. I am working on my feet, hip and back intensely but the muscles are not getting bigger. I do a lot of dead lift to build muscles in my thighs and lower legs in where the tibia and fibula are located. But these muscles wouldn’t even grow or strengthen. However, I am not giving up until my Faith see changes. Matthew 17:20 tells us: If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains; and I am determine come hell or high water to move mountains with the measure of faith God has given me. Thank you Bob Jones and Cindy for this great story
Thank you, Wayne for joining the conversation. Congrats on your increased strength and on your daily habits of Bible reading. That one habit, practised 4/week can lead to a whole host of positive actions.