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She was running and skipping with abandon, as though nothing could hurt her. That is until the asphalt pathway jumped up and tripped her. When was the last time you got shocked and hurt so badly that it took your breath away? Our granddaughter Quinn's mouth was open and tears were in her eyes but no sound was coming out. And then, when it did come, it was a wail. What happened next was awesome. Her mum held her in her arms, gently brushed off the dirt and kissed the wound. The tears were dried. Then Quinn was up and running again with her former carefree abandon. She ran as though she had never been hurt. The beauty of childhood…
Bob Jones
August 6, 2013
One Shining Moment Uncategorized

One Shining Moment

Here’s the kinda story I love. July 11th, the Salt Lake Sidewinders' under 12 team became the first Utah team to win a championship at the Cooperstown Dreams Park in Cooperstown, New York, home of the Baseball Hall of Fame. The Sidewinders won on a three-run walk off home run by Ethan Fowlks. Their accomplishment is newsworthy, but when you get to know more about Ethan, the story becomes extraordinary. Ethan was diagnosed with autism at the age of two. His supportive parents have helped him discover his capabilities, one of which is playing baseball. Playing baseball and being a part of a team has been helpful for Ethan as he and his family cope with the challenges of autism.…
Bob Jones
July 23, 2013


A band of brave souls became known as one-way missionaries a century ago. They bought tickets to the mission field without the return half. Instead of suitcases, they packed their few earthly belongings into coffins. As they sailed away, they waved goodbye to everyone they loved and all they knew, knowing they’d never return home. Mark Batterson leaves no doubt about his opinion - "Jesus didn't die to make us safe. He died to make us dangerous." Enough To Be Transformed Batterson’s book All In is just that – an "all-your-chips" in the middle call for commitment for followers of Jesus. All In examines the lives of biblical characters like Abraham, Noah, Elisha, and the rich young ruler of the New…
Bob Jones
July 21, 2013
The Truth Does Not Set You Free Uncategorized

The Truth Does Not Set You Free

Jesus said, "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free." At face value, his words are misleading at best. I know people who know the truth but are anything but free. They have Bibles on their smart phones. They not only read the Bible - they have memorized whole sections of it. “Truth that is not experienced is no better than error, and may be fully as dangerous. The scribes who sat in Moses' seat were not the victims of error; they were the victims of their failure to experience the truth they taught." A.W.Tozer The truth does not set you free. Truth obeyed sets you free. Faith is simply bringing God’s Word to bear on…
Bob Jones
July 16, 2013
A Dream Come True Uncategorized

A Dream Come True

Sunday morning at North Pointe we talked about “awakening to faith.” Multiple dozens if not hundreds of people have awakened to faith at North Pointe in the past seven years. Sunday afternoon, Nik Wallenda began his 1,400-foot journey “of faith” across a two-inch cable suspended 1,500 feet above a gorge near the Grand Canyon. Nik stated after his successful walk, that he constantly talked to Jesus as he proceeded without a harness in his death-defying feat. "I find that peaceful and relaxing and He's the only one up there listening to me." He added that his faith plays a crucial role in what he does. "My life is based on my faith. I guess the biggest role that it plays…
Bob Jones
June 26, 2013
Live Your Dream Uncategorized

Live Your Dream

The once-in-a-hundred-year flood that swept through southern Alberta drenched a lot of dreams. These catastrophic effects of nature are unfathomable in their impact. A city, the province, our country is numbed. Treasured items became trash in a matter of moments. What one day adorned the walls and filled the draws of chests, now lines the landfills of Calgary and area. But for the grace of God go us. Our hearts and hands go out to the residents of Southern Alberta. On Sunday at North Pointe I shared an image of a flood-soaked community that invited people to “live their dream.” What happens when your dream becomes a nightmare? Mark Berry was inspired to send me his comments. “The picture touched…
Bob Jones
June 24, 2013


Dads don’t need to be super in order to raise great kids. No cape required for the role. Dads do need to be a man of steel when it comes to their faith, unconditional love and integrity. DARYL'S STORY Daryl Tancowny was a down linemen when he played football. He coached with me in the St Albert Minor Football League. The kids looked up to him in more ways than one. He's 6' 4" and a solid 280lbs. They called Daryl, "Big D." To watch him as a dad is incredible - he is a gentle giant. Daryl is the grateful father of two sons - future football players themselves. Hugging A Miracle Daryl says, “Becoming a father is proof…
Bob Jones
June 16, 2013
Kristen, Melissa, and a Doughnut Uncategorized

Kristen, Melissa, and a Doughnut

Today (June 14, 2013) was North Pointe’s Annual Walk Run Ride for Hope 2013. Dozens of participants showed up in support of orphans at our Village of Hope in Harare, Zimbabwe. We were running to raise awareness and money for them.  Our youngest participant was just over two and our oldest was way over two. It was a family affair. The weather was not “summery” at all – high winds, overcast, intermittent rain. It was cold. But that didn’t deter anyone. Each participant was given a picture of a child or a caregiver at the Village. The pictures were glued to our event t-shirts. My child was a little girl named, Melissa. She has a killer smile. So I wore…
Bob Jones
June 15, 2013
The Romans Road Uncategorized

The Romans Road

Sometimes the simplest truths are the ones that we need to be reminded of the most. In our AWAKENED series we are looking at some of the issues we need to be mindful of…and there is none more important that the Gospel. In a world of anxiety and turmoil, the Good News brings great joy to all people. A Messiah has been born! (Luke 2:9-11). And this Good News needs to be spread to others. So what is the Good News? The Apostle Paul lays it out in a nutshell in the book of Romans. It has been known as the Romans Road, and it is one that has been, and continues to be, well travelled by people all over…
Bob Jones
June 12, 2013
The God Book Uncategorized

The God Book

The Bible has been called “the good book” but its really more than that. Its God’s book. God has done a divine job of preserving His book. Ancient books are available today only because someone made copies of the originals to preserve them. For example, the original writings of Julius Caesar are no longer around. Only 10 copies still exist, and they were made 1,000 years after he died. Only 600 copies of Homer’s The Iliad exist, made 1,300 years after the originals were written. No other book has as many copies of the ancient manuscripts as the Bible. In fact, there are over 24,000 copies of New Testament manuscripts, some written within 35 years of the writer’s death. No…
Bob Jones
June 4, 2013