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A recent conversation with a friend motivated me to clarify my work in Ukraine.


First of all, I am not an expert, let alone fully familiar with Russian/Ukrainian history and politics.

My interest in Ukraine arises around spiritual and humanitarian concerns. As I have written previously, my passion for Ukraine originated in February 2022. Jocelyn and my experiences in that area of the globe were limited to volunteer work in Siberia in 2017 with a small short-term team from North Pointe Church. The Russians we worked with in Siberia have since left Russia, forced to exit with the declaration of the “special military operation” in Ukraine and conscription.


Since February 2022 I told myself that if I was ever invited to go to Ukraine I would go. Such an invitation came in 2023. Jocelyn agreed I should go. That is how I found myself in Eastern Ukraine, working with Ukrainian pastors and  Ed Dickson, director of the Canadian-based humanitarian agency, Loads of Love. I felt an immediate affinity with the leaders and was inspired by their love for God and their Christian compassion for displaced Ukrainians.

My experience informs me that my friends have little issue with Russians. Many have parents, aunts and uncles or cousins living in Russia. The Ukrainians I know take issue with Putin and the Kremlin and targeted shelling of civilian residences, schools, malls, parks, churches, and train stations as well as a scorched earth policy in devastating villages and whole communities.

Help and Hope

I am motivated to raise funds and raise awareness to supply help and hope to Ukrainian civilians. My focus is humanitarian assistance through boots on the ground leaders I am in relationship with. To resource Christian ministry through food, shelter, mental health support, and the Gospel.

When I speak in churches about Ukraine my focus is on what I see God doing through Christians I’ve met. Their worship of God compels them to sacrificially serve and give to people. They are hope dispensers. They finance what they do largely through their own sacrificial giving. It’s amazing when Canadians make up the difference that not only magnifies the humanitarian effect but assures the leaders that they are not alone or forgotten.

I met this family in April when we were distributing humanitarian aid. The mom and her daughters were forced to flee their home in Eastern Ukraine. It’s hard for me to understand the depth of their trauma, but it is so common to the people I meet.

Mom explained to my interpreter and I that her eldest daughter (wearing glasses) had closed in on herself, burying her emotions. No tears. No smiles. She was worried about her. They came to receive food and I shared some words before the food distribution about God’s love and that they are not forgotten. Afterwards the mom brought her daughter to me and told us the story. Her daughter was crying and wanted to hug me. Now I was crying. I snapped this selfie after a few minutes with them.


Thank you for your interest in Ukraine. Thank you for praying. And in that regard, friends of REVwords are holding a special online prayer gathering for Ukraine on Wednesday June 12, at 6:13am MT on Zoom.

I am available to talk or hear your feedback. Connect with via email or message me on Facebook.

Please join the conversation and post a comment below. Thank you.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 44 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers

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