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She was three when my granddaughter, Quinn, told me her story.

It was about Cinderella, a “broken shoe,” a pumpkin and a prince.2014-08-26 13.17.06

As she was telling me the story she leaned in and said, “Poppa you’re my prince.”

The story ended there because I didn’t hear anything after that.

What’s your story?

Nish Weiseth says, “The stories of how God transforms our lives and of how we connect with other human beings can have incredible power and influence in our culture.”


Nish is the Editor of the blogsite, “A Deeper Story” and author of Speak. Her book is a compilation of her personal blog posts on Biblical issues in story form. Her point? Let me hear your story not your sermon.

Jesus was a good story teller. Maybe that’s why he attracted those who were outcasts from the religious community.

The power of story, according to Nish is when we share our story and another’s eyes light up and they say, “You too? Me too!” The walls of isolation we build around ourselves believing we are the only ones who feel a certain way come tumbling down when we’re vulnerable and honest with each other.

Three of my friends took their walls down to share their stories.


1. What Christians Need To Get Right About Depression: Brenda Peake

Depression can cause people to feel misunderstood, isolated, and even rejected especially in Christian circles. My friend Brenda taught me: “We are here not to see through one another but to see one another through.”

She was inspired in facing her own battle with depression by the understanding and empathy of a friend who also suffered from depression.

Brenda’s story offers hope to anyone suffering through a dark time.

Read more here.

2. The Faith, Joy and Hope of Kristen Fersovitch

Kristen Fersovitch was a young wife and mother of three sons under the age of four when she was diagnosed with inoperable cancer in 2011. Kristen was an extraordinary singer/songwriter. Her platform was music and her passion was Jesus.

Kristen’s life was like an ornament – on display for all to see. She touched thousands of people by opening her heart and sharing her story. There is a star permanently affixed in the “choir loft” of the Edmonton Singing Christmas Tree in her honor.

Read more here.

3. How One Person Can Make a World of Difference: Azalea Lehndorf

I first heard of Azalea through her dream to build 100 Classrooms in Afghanistan. Azalea is a young adult from Central Alberta who became impassioned to help create a better world for Afghani girls through education. She partnered with Eric Rajah at “A Better World” to raise funds and build 100 classrooms that would serve both girls and boys in Afghanistan.

Azalea is proof that one person can change the world. Hundreds of children in Afghanistan would agree.

Read more here.

APPLICATION: What is your story? Send me a link or leave a comment below.  I’d like to publish a story of day for 31 days in October. Thank you.

I write to inspire people to be real, grow an authentic faith in Jesus, enjoy healthy relationships and discover their life purpose. If this material is helpful to you, please follow me.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 44 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers


  • Mike Hendrick says:

    My story Bob is overcoming peer abuse and rejection to sharing God’s word of Hope into many lives. God took what seemed to be a lot of devasation through out my teen years and early young adult years to now using me to strengthen and encourage churches in Alberta and in San Francisco. I can write it out in more detail or we can talk about it in more detail but it is amazing to see the transformation of what God has done..taking me from being shy and timid and afraid to being bold and being strong in God.

  • bob jones says:

    Hey, Mike. Its a gift to be able to look back over your life and see where you’ve come from and see God’s hand at work. Glad to see your story or hear more of it.

  • adena lowry says:

    My story is a dream. A God-sized dream given to me 3 years ago when I had the chance to go to Burundi, Africa. I saw a boy running up a steep hill. I rolled down the window and I yelled, “Bravo!” He smiled a large grin and gave me a thumbs up. Being a runner, I identified with him literally and symbolically. On the suggestion from Pastor Bob, I read the book, “Take your best shot”, by Austin Gutwein. It’s the story of a 9 year old boy who started a fundraiser to build a school in Africa. I thought, “I can do that.” So began, Run Burundi. A fundraiser run to help a community in Burundi, Africa through Food for the Hungry. This is the 3rd year for the run, but the dream is much bigger than this. Almost a crazy dream, ridiculous to say outloud: What if you could run a race with someone in Burundi in real time? So, squirmishly I say it, waiting on God to reveal my next move, relying on His power, for only HIS glory, seeing how amazing He truly is.

  • bob jones says:

    Great stories always start out of a “yes” to God’s promptings. You inspire me. Look at the difference YOU are making for His glory. Way to go. I too, can’t wait to see the next move for you, Adena.

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