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LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR CARNIVALSCotton Candy, Sno-Kones, Face Painting, a Petting Zoo, Horseback rides, Bouncy Castles, Hot Dogs, and prizes. Put ‘em all together with sunshine and you’ve painted a picture of a perfect Saturday at North Pointe’s Annual Family Carnival.

We’ve been holding Fall and Winter Carnivals for elevn years.

Here’s why…

11 Reasons Why We Host Carnivals at North Pointe

1. We were first in to our community. In 2006 when we moved in, our nearest neighbors were deer, rabbits and moose. Being first into a community is a privilege so we want to set the pace as a good neighbor. North Pointe a welcoming community Sunday to Saturday.

2. Our carnivals are FREE community parties. People like FREE. (our next Carnival is Saturday September 9th, 2017 – 10:00am – 3:00pm)2015-09-12 10.48.09

3. Over 150 volunteers have fun together making the event happen. Many of our volunteers are new to North Pointe and they’re from the community. Carnival is a great way to get their feet wet in serving at North Pointe.2015-09-12 13.56.272015-09-12 13.53.382015-09-12 14.03.174. Carnivals are a way of giving back to our community. We don’t just want to own turf. We worked hard at developing a reputation as a community player.

5. Carnivals are a great way to show off our community service people. The fire department shows up with a firetruck and offer tours on the truck. What kid (of any age) doesn’t want to sit in the cab of a firetruck? The EPS and EMS have been onsite for tons of photo ops with kids.

Kids need to be reminded that police and firemen are our friends.

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Don and Tim, in the photo, above were kids at North Pointe when we were downtown (Central Tabernacle). Now they serve our community as fire fighters.

6. Much of the Old Testament is centered around “feasts” or what we would call “carnivals.” People came together to celebrate the goodness, grace and love of God around food, family and activity.

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7. Carnivals are an effective way for North Pointe families to serve their neighbors or classmates. “Come on out to our church this Saturday. We’re hosting an outdoor Carnival that your kids would love and its FREE.”

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8. Carnivals offer a picture of what we look like. Our Winter Carnival is mostly indoors so the community can see what we look like on the inside. Our Fall Carnival is all outdoors so people can see our true colors of joy.

And where else could you meet Spiderman? Thanks for coming, Spidy.2015-09-12 13.54.36

2015-09-12 13.55.309. Many families attending North Pointe today, first came at the invitation of a friend to a Carnival. Weeks or months or even years later, they come back on campus to experience a Sunday gathering and they keep coming back.

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10. Its rewarding seeing the smiles and hearing the comments of our guests. “This is such an amazing event. You guys really love our community. Thank you!”

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11. Our Carnivals are an investment in community. We believe stewarding the giving of people at North Pointe into Carnivals is a great investment that brings good returns in so many ways.

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APPLICATION: Did you volunteer? Have you attended NP’s Carnival? Please leave a comment below and let us know what your experience was like. Thank you.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 44 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers


  • Suzanne Stoddart says:

    It’s wonderful to see how our carnivals have grown from year to year. I remember the first being surrounded by fields to now truly being ” within” the community. A big thank you to Mike Voll for coordinating this each year!!

  • Shirley Bidnick says:

    The carnivals are wonderful events. You get good value for your buck with a budget of $15,000.00. I volunteered in the past and this year my nephew and his wife brought their two year old daughter. The carnival is such a fun place. Everyone is happy. Their daughter didn’t want to leave. I am believing God that one day my nephew and his family will worship God at North Pointe. They met several couples they knew at the carnival and plan to come back. The carnival is a wonderful outreach opportunity. Thank you for comparing the carnival to an OT festival. North Pointe does a wonderful job of demonstrating how God wants a loving community to celebrate, have fun together, and glorify His Name. I always believed Spidy served God full time and now I know it for sure. Thank you Spidy and all the Pastoral Staff and Volunteers for making the carnivals regular, successful community gatherings that everyone looks forward to.

  • bob jones says:

    Thank you for the ENCOURAGING words, Shirley. I will be watching for your nephew.

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