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Health MattersLife Formation

God Has His Eye On You: Godwink

Have you had a Godwink? Going to visit an oncology doctor isn't one of most people's favorite things to do on a Friday afternoon. Kristen Fersovitch was dropped off early for her oncology appointment. Kristen needed something to do to pass the time. (more…)
Bob Jones
March 22, 2020
Health MattersLife Formation


The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning. The song lyric came to mind as the sun rose on March 15th. Highway #33 is a familiar stretch of road after eight months of commuting to Barrhead, Alberta. Today, the sunrise was all the more meaningful because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  The sun came up today. The sun will come up tomorrow. (more…)
Bob Jones
March 15, 2020
Health MattersLife Formation


March has always been about madness. Watching college basketball teams from Kentucky, Georgetown or North Carolina play in the annual “March Madness” tournament is a rite of spring. I don’t follow basketball, except in March. Not in 2020. The madness this March is a pandemic named COVID-19. (more…)
Bob Jones
March 12, 2020
Health MattersLife Formation

6 Stages of Grief: Rick And Kay Warren

Rick and Kay Warren were devastated when their 27-year old son Matthew committed suicide in April 2013. Their grief was unimaginable. Matthew had suffered from depression all of his life. In September 2013 the Warrens gave their first public interview with CNN. Piers Morgan called it “one of the most moving interviews I conducted in my life.” (more…)
Bob Jones
March 1, 2020
Health MattersLife Stories

I’m A Parent And Cancer Won’t Change That

My husband and I have two sons, Max and Jacob. It’s late. As I write this, we’ve just returned from a soccer tournament that was a 40-minute drive from home, in a blizzard, and finally they're both in bed. The thing is, being a parent doesn’t stop for anything. Not for blizzards, not for late nights, and not for cancer. (more…)
Bob Jones
February 14, 2020
Health MattersLife Formation


Fred Rogers’ is famous for the advice to look for the helpers. “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news,” Mr. Rogers said to his television neighbors, “my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” Cue China. Compassion knows no borders or ethnicities. Helpers are popping up everywhere following the early January Coronavirus outbreak in the Chinese province of Wuhan. Mr Rogers would be proud. On February 1st, ten or so trucks that were Wuhan-bound had been festooned with red banners that read, “Pull together in times of trouble, go Wuhan!” and “The people are united, fight the epidemic together.” Several said they had…
Bob Jones
February 2, 2020
Health Matters

My Name Is Hashimoto’s

My name is Hashimoto's. I'm an invisible autoimmune disease that attacks your thyroid gland causing you to become hypothyroid. I am now velcroed to you for life. If you have hypothyroidism, you probably have me. I am the number one cause of it. (more…)
Bob Jones
December 18, 2019