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HOW TO HAVE YOUR BEST YEARI was about to embark on my best year ever.  I just didn’t know it at the time. All I knew is that I had an idea that would move me out of my comfort zone. For years I’d talked about writing a book. Now was the time to stop talking and get it done.

Out Of The Comfort Zone

In my wildest dreams I didn’t foresee that within two years the book would be published, sell over 4,000 copies and win a Canadian national award. Your dreams and mine may not be the same but achieving them will follow a shared path. I couldn’t shake the thought that the year would be great if I not only achieved my goal of writing a book, but did it with others who were mutually supportive. What’s your dream? Let me be the nudge to start you on your best year ever.

The Steps

The first step was to write down my goal. Then, to hold myself accountable and invite others into the process, I shared my goal with a few people who expressed an interest in writing. “One of my goals is to organize a group of aspiring writers in North Pointe Community Church. To be mutually supportive in seeing each of us write and publish our 1st print book or eBook by the end of the year. To record and share our journey to help other aspiring writers in their journey.”

The Start

Nine days later five of us met at a Starbucks.

There was an energizing excitement about the possibilities and potential of such a group.

We were all fledgling writers – equal parts aspiration and angst. A group could provide support, encouragement and a level of accountability for our writing dreams.


We committed to the following: 1. Read and apply the principles of Michael Hyatt’s book Platform. 2. Start a blog or Facebook page to publish our writing. 3. Hold a writers group meeting once a month for the rest of the year. 4. Record and share our process weekly. 5. Publish an eBook or print book by the end of the year.


So how did we do? ALL of us accomplished the first four goals. NONE of us achieved the last one. But some of us accomplished it in 2015. What did transpire was the production of a lot of writing. SOME of us were published for the first time in national magazines. EACH of us wrote more than we have ever written before.

Meaningful Progress Is Success

One thing we gained was seeing quantifiable, meaningful progress. Reflecting back on my personal growth is like watching infants learning to walk. Clinging to fixed objects for support. Wobbly first steps. Lots of falls. Then the joy of staying on your feet, unassisted for more than a few steps.

Bob and Cory 1983

2018 Goals Accomplished

In 2018 I wrote and self-published the memoir, Phyllis: Love Never Lets Go. I posted twice a week and wrote everyday. I was published six times in Equip and The Testimony (2 out of 3 ain’t bad.) Pointes of View reached the 400,000 mark of views.

My Personal Writing Goals For 2019

For 2019 I’ve committed to the following: 1. To write everyday and post twice a week. 2. To be published in Faith Today magazine. 3. To finish my memoir – The Velveteen Pastor Follow the pattern of written, smart goals, accountability, group support and make 2019 your best year ever!

The Writers Group

My associates inspire me with their aspirations. Are you a writer? Why not join us. Monday January 21st at 4:30pm is the next meeting at North Pointe. Follow the group and see where their goals take them and YOU in 2019. Ruth Johnstone Author of “When Troubles Fall Like Lemondrops” / Entrepreneur / Facebook page Alisha Jans-Lemoine Writer / Blogger for Single Parents / Facebook page Charity Mongrain Writer / Facebook page Michael Voll Pastor / Writer / Blogger @michaelvoll / Timothy D. Fowler Writer / Photographer / Outdoorsman / World Traveler  @Timothydfowler / Susan Glover Life Coach / Blogger / John Maxwell Team APPLICATION: What goals have you set for 2019? Please leave a comment below.
Hope grows here. I write to share stories that inspire people, build faith in Jesus, and offer lasting purpose. If this material is helpful to you, please follow me.
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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 44 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers

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