Words matter.
Kids know how cutting words can be.
Word Bullies
“Four eyes.”
Word bullies attack vulnerabilities – appearance, intelligence, grades, clothes, family, racial background — anything that a child might be sensitive about.
So we fought back with the sing song, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”
Take that, word bully.
Yeah, right.
Words hurt.
Gold Set In Silver
But words also heal.
Hard to argue with the opinion of the wisest man in the world.
“The right word at the right time is like precious gold set in silver.” (Proverbs 25:11 – Contemporary English Version)
Like what?
“Gold set in silver.” Here’s the backgrounder.
Colloidal silver is one of the most powerful natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial agents known in particular in ancient times, and has been used in modern times orally/internally to treat illness and topically in the dressing of wounds.
So the proverb is saying:
when a word is fitly spoken (in the right spirit),
in season (at the appropriate time),
it (the phrase),
is as a healing agent.

Why REVwords
That’s why Jocelyn and I started up REVwords.
We are REV’s. And we use fitting words as healing agents.
…REVeberate – they have a prolonged, continuous effect and resound in a succession of echoes.
…REVitalize – they impart new life and vigor.
…REVolutionize – they bring about radical change. You can change your world by changing your words.

REVwords.com is our platform.
Our community – starts with you.
Our why – We help you choose your words well.
We’d love to have you Subscribe to REVwords. We’ll put helpful content into your inbox early Mondays to get your week off to a good start.
Come Visit

Our office is Starbucks – an occasional Second Cup or Good Earth. And maybe even a Tims or Macs.
We’ll put our eighty years of ministry experience to work in coming alongside you, your family or your organization.
You have a compass. We provide the map.
“Innocent and powerless as words are settled in a dictionary, how potent for good they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.” Nathaniel Hawthorne
Because words matter.
- Subscribe. We’d love to have you subscribe to REVwords. We’ll put helpful content into your inbox early Mondays to get your week off to a good start.
- Our words are available for your event, camp or personal service.
Hope grows here. I write stories that inspire people, build faith, and offer lasting purpose. If this material is helpful to you, please follow me.
Nathaniel Hawthorne says it all.
Pastor Bob I thank God for th day He brought you into my familie’s lives. You have taught us in study, teaching, in words spoken and now in writing through Your walk with God in our church at LEC. I had the provilege to be in the choir and experience your will to be with God as you led us in worship. Remember when you put down your microphone and said “I am going to stand back and we will worship God.”
You did and a wind came from the back of the church and nearly knocked me over standing in the choir behind you. God touched me.
I shall continue to pray for you and Jocelyn as you move forward with the Lord.
The Lord put Jocelyn in my heart many years ago. I am so thankful to see you again. I am sorry I am still here in Montreal, and I am housebound. God has a reason for keeping me here in this condition. I pray for a mighty anointing upon you and Jocelyn as you await His call and direction. “For it is in Him that we live and breath and have our being” .
Remember you and Jocelyn are one with God.
I look forward to seeing you when I can get to you. Thanks for carrying on your blog. Thanks.
Thank you for the Words of Widom that the both of you will be sharing. I am looking forward to reading all of your Posts on Because Words Matrter.
Judy McDonald