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ERIC DERKSEN3My family is disowning me.

My father-in-law will not let me come home for Christmas.

My daughter Emily is telling me to take it off.

My wife can’t believe what I have done.ERIC DERKSEN


This is a guest post from the Eric Derksen, President of Vanguard college and newest family to North Pointe. (When I had coffee with Eric I realized you can take the man out of Jet country but you can’t take the Jets completely out of the man.)Eric Derksen jets

My name is Eric Derksen and I am a disciple of Jesus.

I am also a husband and a father, and now serve as the President of Vanguard College in Edmonton, Alberta – the home of the Oilers.

Our move to Edmonton was a new start for us. God’s call brought our family out of a comfortable environment in Winnipeg to a city where we knew only a handful of people.

Candace and I know God called us here, but we keep communicating to our children that God called them here for His purpose in their life too. Part of the journey meant connecting with a new church, engaging in ministry, and putting down social and spiritual roots. ERIC DERKSEN2


We encouraged our children to participate in finding a church in a city with many great churches!

So, how did we end up at North Pointe? We began with our values for ministry.

We want a church that talks a lot about Jesus and has new believers in the mix.
We want a church with a heart for missions and with a mission to their community.
We want a church that takes the Bible very seriously and worships God with freedom.
We want a church that accepts responsibility for the changing demographics of our nation, and for every generation.
We want a church that has a sound and biblical approach to adversity and suffering in life.


Our value is not balance – it is truth. There is another factor that may seem trite, but is not.

North Pointe feels a lot like the church family we left behind us and that is important as we start life over again.

We are discovering these things at North Pointe. Our children feel welcomed and are intentionally connected. The teaching encourages and motivates us.

North Pointe has made our transition easier.Eric Derksen4


All beginnings are hard, but God, through the friends we are making, the friends our children are making, through ministry colleagues and connections, and through our engagement at North Pointe, is making this new beginning great for us as a family.

We want our children to see God answer prayer for them in this new beginning. We want their faith to be strengthened. We want them to have the courage to step out in faith when God calls them to a new beginning, and to do so without fear. We have opportunity to doubt and be skeptical, and we have to fight against these things. God is faithful and good.

We came to Edmonton trusting Him to do whatever He wants to do in us and through us. We are very grateful to be here!Eric DerksenVanguard_Day


I am an advocate for those God is calling to serve in His Kingdom. Our students will be pastors, worship leaders, missionaries, engineers, nurses, teachers, or business leaders: all called to ministry. I long to see our students empowered by the Spirit to carry the simple and effective message of Jesus Christ from the streets of Edmonton, to the farthest reaches of the globe.

APPLICATION: Welcoming new people to North Pointe is a role for the entire North Pointe family. Please leave a comment for Eric.

I write to inspire people to be real, grow an authentic faith in Jesus, enjoy healthy relationships and discover their life purpose. If this material is helpful to you, please follow me.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 44 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers


  • CD Mayo says:

    Welcome Derksens! It often amazes me to hear the stories of how we all find our church home. Your well thought out requirements for a church family demonstrate your deep desire to do God’s will. Your family is such a blessing to our church family!

    I, on the other hand, originally chose North Pointe because it had a website. I’ll admit I did read through the doctrine because a church must preach the Gospel and follow God’s Word but I certainly didn’t put as much thought into it. I now would have a list of requirements but I am so grateful that God knows where we NEED to be before we know it ourselves! 😉

  • Anita says:

    Welcome!! Glad to have you in the family!

  • Shirley Bidnick says:

    Welcome to Edmonton, North Pointe, and the faithful group of Oiler fans who support the home team no matter what. Your new orange jersey is a symbol that you truly belong and are committed to your, and your family’s, new home. I know you left a wonderful city behind. Thank you for coming and making our city a better place and enriching our church family.

  • bob jones says:

    Hey, Shirley. Thanks for being so welcoming of the Derksens.

  • bob jones says:

    Your kids have probably met Emily and Drew already at Anomaly.

  • bob jones says:

    I am glad God knows what we need as well and that YOU chose North Pointe!

  • Gary Myers says:

    Glad you chose North Pointe, Eric, but I agree with your son, that sweater has to go. (He said from beautiful British Columbia).

  • bob jones says:

    Ha! You BC fans.

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