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6 INSIGHTS FOR INTROVERTSMost successful people are assumed to be extr0verts.

Why? Because they say so.

However the following famous successful leaders and innovators all have one thing in common and its NOT extroversion.

Bill Gates
Christina Aguilera
Michael Jordan
Harrison Ford
David Letterman
J.K. Rowling
Warren  Buffet

Yes, they are ALL introverts.

O, yes they are.

Introverts, especially in business, and leadership face a challenge: would-be leaders who have a quiet, introverted leaning, tell themselves that to succeed they need to become something they aren’t.

Not true.

Introverts can be highly influential and are among the most inspirational and respected leaders in the world.

6 Insights That Free Introverts To Excel

1. Don’t try to be an extrovert.

If an introvert wants to reach their full potential, don’t try and become an extravert. Trying will wear you out and annoy the people around you. Realize the gifts and leanings introverts have (foresight, calm collection, even an ominous silence to think things through) and celebrate those unique strengths.

2. Don’t ignore your extroverted traits.

Every leader has both introverted and extroverted qualities. Former first lady, Laura Bush, an admitted introvert, showed through her confident delivery, reliance on humor, forceful demeanor on the dais, and relaxed response to press questions, that introverts can develop their extroverted traits.

3. Do become a great introvert.

Focus on how to make your strengths better – capitalize on your abilities to think, to comprehend, and to apply. There’s more than one way to have a say. Influence is not about getting people to see things your way, but about learning from others and negotiating a shared solution. This approach is well suited to the introvert temperament. It involves patience, planning and perseverance.

Susan Caine’s TED Talk on the “Power of Introversion” is one of the Top 10 TED Talks.

4. Develop the confidence to speak up.

Introverts have a hard time speaking up and being heard. If you have introverted leanings and you want to become a great leader, you will have to practice speaking over others.

5. To develop confidence in speaking up, be the first to speak in a group.

As an introvert in a group of extroverts, if I speak first, its my best, (and usually only chance) of getting a word in. Extroverts never need to be forced to DO anything, except to be quiet. Force yourself to participate in “small talk” once in a while, even if you think it’s not that practical.

6. Introverts have strengths extroverts could never imagine.

Introverts make some of the best public speakers because they’re committed to the work it takes to become master public speakers. They prepare well and think deeply about their message. They like to write and lay out their thoughts in well structured presentations.

So, go ahead, join Letterman, Ford, Buffet and others in excelling as an introvert.

APPLICATION: Do you have you own introvert experience? What are your tips for introverts?

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 44 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers