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bible girl wonderThe stories of 2015 that most interested people include the miracle of a preemie baby’s first year of life, finding healing from abuse, courageous faith and a gentleman football player.

There were over 85,000 views from 158 countries. See if you were one of the top commentators here.

5. ABBA’S BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER: A TRUE STORYsexual abuse girlMy home life growing up was quite dysfunctional; I am the youngest of four, and knew from an early age that my mother never planned for a fourth child.

My mother was a very heavy drinker and on medication for depression for years. She often threatened to leave when us kids got on her nerves.

My father was explosively angry and prone to rage, and I rarely if ever felt his approval. I was over 30 years old before I heard him say that he loved me.  Read more here…



A 65-year old man “becomes” a woman and everyone from the President of the United States to ESPN applauds this as “courageous.” Freedom of speech has its obvious liabilities but until recently, to say the least, free speech was tolerated.

Anyone who expressed contrary opinions about this story were instantly demonized and dehumanized. If the commentator had any association with Christianity they were not only dismissed as deluded but derided as oppressively intolerant.

Increasingly, Christianity is not tolerated because of the need for greater tolerance.  Read more here…


3. THE MOST VALUABLE QUALITY IN A MANThe Most valuable quality in a man garry

What is the best measure of a man?

Is a man a man because of his biceps, triceps or concepts?

Is it strength, toughness or kindness that makes a man?

Or is something else?

One of the toughest and most gentle men I know is Garry Lefebvre. Read more here…



John Orfino showed up at my office sporting his orange Broncos jersey, a huge smile and his new walker.

In April 2015 John was diagnosed with ALS. Since then, the muscle function in his arms and legs has deteriorated. He and his wife Judee sold their bi-level home, and John’s truck and motorcycle to simplify their lifestyle. He bought a Mustang GT convertible. Read more here…


1. RYDON HAROLD BOUCK’S STORY2015-12-16 17.05.35

Rydon’s parents believe in miracles. They watched their preemie son fight for his life with the aid of doctors and nurses in two hospitals and the prayers of family and friends each breath of the way.

Rydon was 11 months old on Dec. 13th and enjoys playing with his two brothers.

Looking at Rydon now, you’d never know the journey he’s been on, so read about it below. Read more here…


APPLICATION: What was your favorite post in 2015? Please leave a comment below. Thank you.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 45 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers

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