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What’s your idea of fun? How about running 50km up and down Rocky Mountain trails continuously for 8 or 9 hours on a hot July day? If so, you would love the Sinister 7 Ultra.

Cory and Lynsey Jones were having that kind of fun on July 8th. Jocelyn and I cared for their kids while our kids competed in their first solo Ultra. The race’s name is inspired by the treacherous Seven Sisters Mountain that looms over much of the course. And because of the toll the race can take on a body.

Lynsey (middle) at the end of her solo 2022 race.

Cory, Lynsey and Team after the Team Race 2022.

From The Race Guide

The Sinister 7 Ultra course is truly magnificent. The race combines some of the best trails in the area with viewpoints and scenery that only a few people ever get to enjoy. With 6,321m of elevation gain across the 160km of rugged terrain that makes up the course, this race is not for the weak of heart. We cannot stress enough the fact that this race is incredibly difficult.

Be prepared; the Sinister 7 Ultra may be the toughest experience of your life. We do not want to downplay the intensity or severity of this race in any way. You need to be ready through training and planning.

You will be running in remote wilderness, and the chance of injury is very real so prepare to be self-sufficient.

If you are injured out on the course, be ready to hunker down for a few hours until a course sweeper or medic comes by.

There are definitely bears and cougars in the area. If there is reported activity around the course prior to, or during the race, we may modify the course. We cannot predict random animal activity so please stay alert.

If you do encounter a bear or cougar remain calm. Identify yourself by speaking in a calm, appeasing tone. Back away slowly, preferably in the direction you came.

The Sinister 7 is as mentally demanding as it is physically grueling. After you have been running for hours on end, your mind will give you a million reasons to quit – you have to decide that it is more important to finish.

We Believe In People

Its easy to see why people want to be associated with being an “ultra competitor.”

“We believe in their ability to push their bodies farther than they ever thought possible. To break records to inspire others to step up. To rise over and over, despite the odds, and give it every drop of energy and passion that they have. Whether it is a seasoned athlete who wants to be the best, or a beginner athlete who wants to be a better version of themselves, these are our people.”

“Your mind will give you a million reasons to quit – you have to decide that it is more important to finish.”

Cory finished in just over 8 hours and Lynsey finished in just over 9 hours.

They trained for a year, often running 25-30km at a time, in snow, rain, and heat. They raced on a 33C, sunny July day. Cory cramped up and blistered up and spent three hours in a recovery station after he completed the race.

Their race was an “entry” level Ultra. In a few weeks Cory and Lynsey will be a part of a 3-person team running a Death Race (118km) in the mountains in Grande Cache. Next year they are aiming to finish a 50 miler or a 100km race. How else could you have this much fun?

What ultra challenges do you enjoy? Do you feel that what you do demands the ultimate of you? When have you pushed yourself beyond what you have done before? Please join the conversation and leave  comment below. Thank you.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 45 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers


  • Julie MacKenzie says:

    Congratulations to your son & his wife. That is something that I would not enjoy or participate in. My idea of challenging myself…would be to join a new dance class. In fact, I’m going to take Hula & Tahitian dance classes in the Fall. My daughters danced Hawaiian. My oldest for 7 years, my youngest for 4 years. After my oldest decided to quit…the youngest didn’t want to do it anymore either. I love it…I love Oahu & the dancing is like a form of religion to them. Beautiful to watch & very spiritual. One day, I would love to see the competition held on Maui. The best of the best go there. It’s held every March, with only the best dance schools from all the islands, competing with others of the same calibre. Solos & groups of all ages. I watch on Youtube every year. It’s on my bucket list to attend in person. My girls attended a Maui dance school for a few hours…when we visited one year. My girlfriend was living there at the time & I got the contact information from her. The experience was amazing for them. They were 12 & 9 at that time. I loved watching them. The girls at the school were so welcoming to the 2 young girls from Edmonton. Thank you for sharing this with us. I look forward to your blog every week Pastor Bob. Keep on, keeping on. ❤️

  • Bob Jones says:

    Hawaiian dancing sounds like fun, Julie. Even that has it’s challenges or it would for me. I hope you get to Maui to see the competition one day!

  • Julie MacKenzie says:

    Thank you Pastor Bob. Me too! I just love dancing of all kinds. I have competed in Tap & Hip-hop. Gold & High Golds with a group of ladies that I danced with in my late 40’s..early 50’s. Taught Jazzercise (Dance Fitness Program) in my 20’s for 4 years while working at The Cross Cancer Institute. Belly-Dancing for about 3 years. Helped my daughters while they danced Hawaaian. Took Kung-Fu in my late 40’s too. The forms taught are also like a dance. Easy to pick up for me. My brother is a Tai Chi Master. One day I want to learn that too. But, I find Hula so beautiful. I have always wanted to try it. I found a school in Edmonton, that I’m looking forward to taking classes, in the Fall. Lucky me.

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