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seth godin



People don’t follow the best leaders. They follow the ones who communicate the best. That's because your brain is trying to conserve calories. So says Seth Godin, author of Purple Cow, Tribes, The Dip and 15 other best sellers. What important message or service are you offering that needs to connect with people? If you're not a Seth Godin fan here's why he can help you. Seth is an entrepreneur and speaker who knows what it takes to succeed in business and to be your own boss (and he rocks yellow eye ware). Over a million readers follow his blogs. By focusing on everything from leadership to the spread of ideas and changing everything, Seth has been able to motivate…
Bob Jones
May 27, 2018


Is your life an open book? Isn't it true that we fear others will discover, to our detriment, the broken parts of our lives? Keeping the book closed is safe but leads to missing out on the freedom that comes with vulnerability - your own freedom and the power to set others free. The scars you share become lighthouses for other people who are headed to the same rocks you hit. Your willingness to be vulnerable gives others the beautiful gift of going second. 14 Thoughts On Being Vulnerable 1. “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you…
Bob Jones
August 8, 2015

The Brave Ones – Part 2

Bravery is not a moniker that can be bought… it cannot be self-appointed. Bravery is not attributed to everyone, but is reserved for those whose innovation causes them to stand out from the crowd, whose unyielding effort and error push their organizations into new territories, and whose boldness compels them to stand up for those less fortunate. These are The Brave Ones. 12 QUOTES FROM SETH GODIN 1. I wasn’t brave enough to fail. 2. Bravery is not for other people anymore. Bravery is for us. 3. Are you going to make something worth talking about? 4. When we are all-in then we might do something people are willing to talk about. 5. If ideas don’t spread they die. 6.…
Bob Jones
May 8, 2015