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It took us the better part of a day to arrive at a refugee camp in Malaysia on the island of Pulau Bidong. It would become our home for over five months. It was here that I came to know that there was a God who was watching over every step of my life. I came to know that He is real, and that He has so much compassion for me. I discovered that God leads me into the life that He wants for me. God's Hand On My Life There were a thousand refugees who came out to welcome us to the island. The refugee population at the time was well over fifteen thousand. We thought that was a…
Bob Jones
November 20, 2016


R and M are Christian Syrian refugees who lived in Jordan from 2012 to 2016. One day they will read this post. We want them to know then that we embraced them even before we met them. We've called them "R and M" to protect their privacy and security. Faces of Damascus R and his wife M grew up in Damascus. Five years ago they left everything to flee the bombings. They made their way to Jordan where they were interned in a refugee camp. Even in these "safe havens," the lives of Christians are precarious. Because of their Christian faith they had to leave the refugee camp. They were taken in by Jordanian Christians while they awaited the opportunity…
Bob Jones
April 17, 2016


The stories of 2015 that most interested people include the miracle of a preemie baby's first year of life, finding healing from abuse, courageous faith and a gentleman football player. There were over 85,000 views from 158 countries. See if you were one of the top commentators here. 5. ABBA'S BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER: A TRUE STORYMy home life growing up was quite dysfunctional; I am the youngest of four, and knew from an early age that my mother never planned for a fourth child. My mother was a very heavy drinker and on medication for depression for years. She often threatened to leave when us kids got on her nerves. My father was explosively angry and prone to rage, and I…
Bob Jones
December 29, 2015


It’s the children I will always remember. At least two dozen of them. As soon as they saw our little convoy of vehicles turn up the dirt road to the refugee camp, they emerged from the dilapidated tents and abandoned, boarded-up apartment buildings they now called home and ran right for us. Dressed in dirty hand-me-downs, they smiled and giggled and kibitzed with one another as they looked us over with bright, curious eyes, full of life. Good to see kids are still kids - even here - I thought. This is a guest post from Steve Hertzog, past President of Vanguard College and new Regional Director for Eurasia with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Steve and his wife Patti…
Bob Jones
November 22, 2015

Rachel’s Story: Thankful For New Beginnings

Rachel Fallah's son, Prince, is married. What an incredibly joyous, vibrant and colorful wedding! (Rachel is in yellow below) Rachel's journey is remarkable given she arrived in a foreign country with nothing and today she has everything. At her son's wedding she was surrounded by friends and family from around the world, however it is her peace-filled spirit - free from bitterness - that she treasures most. Here's her story. REFUGEE FROM WAR In 2002 I came to Edmonton as a refugee from Sierra Leone with my son, Prince. All we had in the world was each other. The war in our home country had taken everything from us – our family, our home, our possessions. Our nation was devastated…
Bob Jones
October 12, 2014