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How The World Sees You

The greatest gift you can give someone is to show them their highest value. This week a friend sent me a link to the Fascination Advantage® assessment. This is a new assessment about how the world sees you at your best. Sally Hogshead, the genius branding expert behind the assessment, gave me a code for 100 free surveys. It turns out that I'm "The Anchor." I learned some new things about myself.  I want to make sure you get the chance to learn the same about yourself. It will take you less than five minutes! Go to: 1. Enter the code BL-bobjones49ers and create a user account with your name, password, and email address. 2. Complete the assessment. (It takes…
Bob Jones
July 16, 2014


Most successful people are assumed to be extr0verts. Why? Because they say so. However the following famous successful leaders and innovators all have one thing in common and its NOT extroversion. Bill Gates Christina Aguilera Michael Jordan Harrison Ford David Letterman J.K. Rowling Warren  Buffet Yes, they are ALL introverts. O, yes they are. Introverts, especially in business, and leadership face a challenge: would-be leaders who have a quiet, introverted leaning, tell themselves that to succeed they need to become something they aren't. Not true. Introverts can be highly influential and are among the most inspirational and respected leaders in the world. 6 Insights That Free Introverts To Excel 1. Don’t try to be an extrovert. If an introvert wants…
Bob Jones
December 15, 2013


Dating couples always lie to each other. They don't mean to. They just want to put their best face forward. That's why people who are dating should keep both eyes open before they marry and then keep one eye closed after they marry. Assessing personality and temperament is one way to keep both eyes open. Assessments aren't a perfect science but they do provide valuable insight into the people who are closest to you (and why you love'em or not). Personality Types 1. The Golden Retriever (Peaceful Phlegmatic) is steady, reliable, balanced, content, loyal and carries others burdens, resists change, is unenthusiastic, and can be boring. 2. The Lion (Powerful Choleric) is confident, assertive, competitive, decisive, domineering, independent, self-reliant and…
Bob Jones
November 2, 2013