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The Drop Box Uncategorized

The Drop Box

The Drop Box is a new documentary from Focus on the Family Canada that tells the story of South Korean Pastor Lee Jong-rak and his heroic efforts to embrace his community’s most vulnerable children. Hundreds of unwanted babies are abandoned to die on the streets of Seoul, South Korea every year. By installing a drop box outside his home, Pastor Lee provides a safe haven to babies who would otherwise be abandoned on the streets to die. This film is a heart-wrenching exploration of the physical and emotional toll associated with providing refuge to those forgotten by the surrounding culture. A STORY OF HOPE But it is also a story of hope, and a celebration of the reality that every…
Bob Jones
February 2, 2015


At one time I believed that money, education and certainly love, could change the world. Now don't get me wrong, love and money are certainly important, but without hope, even love and money aren't enough. Hope convinces you that tomorrow will be better than today. When you give a child hope, you can change the world. Orphans in Zimbabwe My wife, Jocelyn and I traveled to Harare, Zimbabwe in March, 2003 to see the “Village of Hope” - a fledgling response to the HIV/AIDS crisis. The Village was just a few months old - two buildings on a rural parcel of land. We met the first person being cared for at the Village of Hope. Her name was "Precious" -…
Bob Jones
February 16, 2014
A Dream So Big Uncategorized

A Dream So Big

“A Dream So Big” is just what it says. The dream experience of Steve Peifer and his family is SO big you can’t miss the blessing of reading about it. Peifer begins his story with the surreal experience of being awarded CNN’s Hero for Championing Children Award. He then takes us to Rift Valley Academy (RVA) in Kenya, a boarding school for missionary children, where he and his wife Nancy served as dorm parents. The story gets personal for me because missionary friends of mine entrusted their children to the care of RVA. That’s a heart-rending choice for parents already making big sacrifices to serve. Trustworthy, surrogate parents are priceless. The Peifers were all of that and more. In 1997…
Bob Jones
April 19, 2013