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I want MORE of God. I want MORE of God who is not created in my image. I want MORE of God who accepts people who are painfully aware they could be wrong in their beliefs. I want MORE of God who knows my infallibility and allows room for me to err on the side of mercy and grace. I want MORE of God who is a friend of sinners and the conscience of the self-righteous and died for both. (Isaiah 53:12; Matthew 23:25-28) I want MORE of God who allows the righteous to suffer and the unrighteous to prosper, in this life. (Romans 5:3; Psalm 73:3) I want MORE of God who designed marriage to be for life and…
Bob Jones
June 15, 2015


Two powers affect all of our lives: unchangeable yesterdays and unpredictable tomorrows. Yesterday's History We long to re-create segments of our personal histories, but we are stuck with them. Hurts done to us. Hurts done by us. Tomorrow's Destiny We long to control our destinies, but we cannot bring them under our management. What will become of me? What will become of us? There are two powers available to you and me, too often neglected, that will successfully address these forebodings. Two Neglected Powers Hannah Arendt was a Jew living in France during the Nazi occupation in 1941. She and her husband were interned in a camp awaiting deportation to a concentration camp in Germany. They escaped and made their…
Bob Jones
April 28, 2014