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Paradise Uncategorized


Anomaly Youth Ministries pulled back the curtain on cultural and relational pressures facing youth in 2014 in their production, "Paradise." Written & Created by Jeremy Gifford, Paradise follows the lives of two teenagers, Abbey & Kyle. Abbey is facing a lot of bullying in her school and online. Kyle is feeling the pressure to fit in and join the bullies. Both Abbey & Kyle are trying to find their place in a broken and messed up world. Jess Wickens shares her moving personal story of being bullied in school and how she reached out to God and found His help through the support of caring believers. Paradise is an entertaining and inspiring production that received standing ovations at each presentation…
Bob Jones
May 7, 2014


The "Leave It to Beaver" model of society from the early 1960s is a distant memory. Today, rude rules.  Reality television programs showcase domestic and social interactions driven by narcissism, competition and selfishness. From road rage in the morning commute to high decibel cell-phone conversations that ruin dinner out, behaving badly has become the hallmark of a me-first, bully world. Schoolyard to Facebook Bullies Today's students face the age old issue of "school yard" bullies. They also face a more painful emotional and relational bullying on social media. Facebook can become "Hatebook" and Instagram, Snapchat and Kik hold their own kind of danger. Teens across Canada have been driven to despair because of bullying on social media. Some have taken…
Bob Jones
January 7, 2014