JERUSALEM – DECEMBER 6, 2017 Photo by Mostafa Alkharouf/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
The Palestinian Liberation Organization called it “the biggest mistake of his life.”
The French called it “a contravention of international law.”
Chinese officials expressed concern for escalated violence and a setback in the peace process.
Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Turkey all rejected the decision.
The Canadian government was conspicuously careful by not criticizing the decision but declaring that Canada’s embassy would remain in Tel Aviv.
The Democrats piled on for good measure.
Why The fuss?
President Donald Trump declared that the US Embassy would be relocated from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, “the capital of Israel.”
Interesting enough, former President Obama declared on June 4, 2008 – “Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided.” That statement stood for less than twenty-four hours.
In fact every Presidential hopeful for the past four decades campaigned to see Jerusalem declared the capital of Israel. All found it politically expedient to back away once elected.
One thing about President Trump – he doesn’t do anything half-way.
His biggest mistake?
The rightness of a decision can often be observed in who lines up in opposition. (See above.)
The Peace Of Jerusalem
The Israeli government praised Trump’s move. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on other nations to follow Trump’s lead.
“Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people for 3,000 years,” Netanyahu said. He called the move an “important step towards peace, for there is no peace that doesn’t include Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”
Netanyahu vowed there would be no change with regard to the city’s many holy sites. “Israel will always ensure freedom of worship for Jews, Christians and Muslims alike,” he said.

Photo credit AHMAD GHARABLI/AFP/Getty Images
President, Pastor, Mayor
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin hailed Trump’s recognition as a “beautiful gift.”
Jerusalem’s mayor, Nir Barkat said, “I applaud Donald Trump. Jerusalem is not, and never will be, an obstacle to peace for those who want peace.”
Barkat’s statement quoted Psalm 122 – “As it is written, ‘Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, may all that love her prosper, may there be peace in her quarters and palaces.'”
I agree with my friend, Wayne Hilsden, Pastor of King of Kings church in Jerusalem when he quotes – “At that time they will call Jerusalem ‘The Throne of the LORD,’ and all the nations will be gathered to it, to Jerusalem, for the name of the LORD…” Jeremiah 3:17
APPLICATION: What do you think? Was this the President’s biggest mistake? Did the decision leave you anxious? Pleased? Please leave a comment below. And pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
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I agree. It was a bold and polarizing decision politically, but from an historical and even a biblical perspective, inevitable.
God is purposely advancing His Kingdom towards the restoration/resolution of all things culminating in a new heaven and a new earth (Rev 21).
Regarding the nations of the earth in the context of His much larger and eternally advancing kingdom, this decision many believe has relevance towards that end. His ends … We shall see …
I applaud President Trump for keeping his promise!
Insofar as the Trudeau Government stating our embassy will remain in Tel Aviv is temporary. All other nations will ultimately follow the The USA by moving their Embassy to Jerusalem. Canada and others all rely on the US military for security.
“At that time they shall call Jerusalem the Throne of the Lord; and All Nations shall be gathered unto it; neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart”. (Jeremiah 3:17)
Simply put – we should count ourselves privileged to live in a Generation that is witnessing the fulfillment of Biblical Prophesy…
A decision needs to be considered with respect to both its nature and its timing