When is coffee more than java? When its Kingdom Coffee.
Jesse and Steph Singleton are Calgarian entrepreneurs with a cause that goes beyond caffeine. Because of their generosity the robust aroma from a bag of their fresh ground Nicaraguan medium roast is teasing my senses.
The Singletons gave out free coffee at a pastors conference I attended. The story behind Kingdom Coffee coffee is richer than their roast.

Our Story
Four pastors went undercover and spent time with the homeless on the streets of Calgary. There they met a man named Jim. He was addicted to heroin, crack cocaine and alcohol. Jim was at the end of his rope, fighting addiction and contemplating suicide.
The four pastors listened to Jim and showed him love. They brought him to a recovery centre where Jesus found him and changed his life. He went from being a violet, angry addict to a gentle man who his grandchildren ran to as he walked through the door.
Jim passed away in December 2015 from a tragic workplace accident.

Jim’s Legacy
We believe that if a few men can love Jim, then we in turn can love other people who are struggling like he was. We share our coffee with people to hear their story and let them know someone is listening.
A portion of every bag sold goes to helping people in recovery and finding them a place to sleep at night. We thank these four men for taking the time to love Jim.
Jim was Jesse’s father and this is his story
Go to KingdomCoffee.ca to read the rest of their story and order your own fresh roast. Please leave a comment below. Thank you.
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