Elmer and Sherry Komant are our partner missionaries serving in Bujumbura, Burundi. They planted the first English speaking church in the capital, have been in the middle of the attempted military coup and have seen hundreds of people becoming followers of Jesus.
Burundi is one of the poorest countries in Africa. The Komants planted a church just two years ago. Their courage and commitment are inspiring. Please read and pray for them.
May 14, 2015 about 05:30
It was a noisy night for many here in Bujumbura, but because the power never went off, our faithful antique fan roared the night away. It wasn’t till about 5:30 this morning that we really heard the huge blasts. A little deafness CAN come in handy!! 🙂
May 14, 2015 about 07:30 
The sounds of guns and heavier artillery have decreased. We are instructed not to leave the yard and be very careful about whom we let into our gates. Anyone who had anything to do with the attempted coup yesterday will be hunted down, and could bring trouble to any who house them.
May 14, 2015 about 2:00
We’ve been in the “shooting range” for the past hour and a half. Explosions and shots of all sorts rock this quiet neighbourhood. It would appear that the main roads on either side of us are being utilized. PRAY ON!
How do you best describe the high speed whirring, whistling, whizzing sound that follows the “crack” when ammunition is fired and travels over your roof? When explosions make your ears ring? All I can say is our family in this yard did very well and remained under control yesterday afternoon.
The fighting over the radio/tv was between the army loyal to President Nkruinziza and the army members who are with the coup leader.
May 15, 2015 about 10:00
The city water system was knocked out yesterday and on our street the power has been gone since early yesterday morning. We have experienced serious water and fuel shortages for the past three weeks at least. However, we are so very blessed with all that God has provided.
The ship is going forward and preparations for Sunday morning services are in full swing.You can follow the Komants on Facebook here and with their ministry activities here.
APPLICATION: Pray for the Komants, leave a comment for them below and post this to your Facebook page. Thank you.
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I’m confused by “August”…when did this happen? We haven’t reached August, 2015 yet
It is happening now. The date has been corrected.