Sergey and Roman are two Ukrainians responding to the call of God into the most dangerous war zone on earth.
Risk and Rescue
I met Sergey Eremin and Roman Sobol on my first trip to Ukraine in December 2023.
We drove to the frontlines in Eastern Ukraine with Sergey. He told us stories of risk and rescue to help Ukrainians during the Russian invasion. Roman shared pictures of what it was like in the trenches on the frontlines as an army chaplain and dental assistant.
On February 24, 2022, Pastor Sergey awoke at 1:30 a.m. with a deep heaviness in his spirit. He began to pray. Three hours later, still in fervent prayer and unable to sit still, he went for a walk outside.
“I could hear things going on,” he says. “The sky was filled with military aircraft. Ukraine was being hit with rockets. Thousands of planes were firing missiles.” Other than interrupted sleep, Pastor Sergey had no warning Ukraine was about to be invaded.
Drummer Turned Rescuer
Roman Sobol plays drums in a band famous across Ukraine. When the war broke out he got his pregnant wife across the border to safety in Poland and then went to work assisting people. He talked to people, church contacts, seminaries and whoever would listen to set up shelter for refugees. Soon he was now arranging logistics for over 100 people a day. They stretched their resources thin over and over and God started working miracles. Roman would think of a need, and God would provide, responding to Roman’s thoughts.

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Sergey and Roman and hundreds of other Christian leaders have worked non-stop for over 2 ½ years now. Sergey says, “We can rest when the war is over.”
Read the rest of their stories at The Pentecostal Testimony/Enrich here.
You can support their work through Loads of Love here.
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