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My classmate from Bible College days a few eons ago, Mark Hazzard, asked a question on Facebook about those 50+.

Mark and Val 50+

Mark and his wife, Val, were at Eastern Pentecostal Bible College with Jocelyn and I a few years ago. They pastored Canadian churches over three decades and are now supporting missionaries in Latin America. And the Caribbean. Yah, you read that last part right. No envy.

Everybody loves them. They are popular church and camp speakers and respected for their leadership across Canada and around the world.

Mark recently posted on Facebook,

“I am getting ready to speak to a “50+” camp. If you could say one thing to this group, what would it be?”

Here are the responses, used with permission.

40+ Responses For the 50+

1. If you’re not dead, God’s not done!

2. Age doesn’t matter…. your heart does!

3. When you are older you tend to look back because you have more years behind you than ahead of you. The generations behind you are looking forward and they need you to keep looking forward for their sake and for the generations to come. Resist the temptation to be stuck in the past. No need to keep looking back to the “good old days” – we are living in the now, these are the good days. The old days are only the glory days if you don’t stay fresh in your faith. When Jesus is the centre of your life and ministry you are living your best days. They are watching and learning. They need us to be passionate about Jesus until the very end so we inspire them to love Jesus, heart and soul. Sandra McIntosh

4. Keep an eye on the older seniors as they are often “forgotten”. Just a phone call..a drop by with a coffee/tea

5. People’s most productive age, based on studies is from 60 to 70 years.

6. You can do it, yes you can. You can do it, Christ lives in you, you can do it, yes you can!

7. Enjoy the moment you’re in, love conquers all.

8. Moving from success to significance.

9. As long as you are alive, you have Kingdom purpose here on earth. The loss of your faculties as you age does not reduce your Kingdom value or change your Kingdom purpose one iota. You are, first of all, a spiritual entity not a physical one. It is God who works in you to will and to do His good pleasure. My wife’s grandma, totally incapacitated by Alzheimer’s, knelt at her bedside each night and prayed for every member of her family with absolute clarity. The Spirit prayed through her until the day she died. Al Downey

10. Stay the course.

11. Don’t give up in well doing.

12. Be not discouraged, press on in the faith, the best is yet to come for the faithful.

13. Old is an attitude.

14. The elderly should pass on their wisdom of life situations that they’ve experienced and how the Lord was in their situation directing it all the time. Experience of life is wisdom especially for the younger generation who hasn’t experienced life to the fullest!

15. Accept change gracefully. In the church and in yourself. Minister where you can still be effective.

16. God has saved the best for last.

17. Everything that you have walked up to now has been God’s plan and you are where he wants you to be

18. Bloom where you are planted.

19. As long as there is breath, there is purpose.

20. Develop an attitude of gratitude! Be the most joyful person folks meet in their day!

21. Tell’em they are Caleb, they have to fight alongside a young generation as one of them, picking them up when they fall, teaching them grace. Be fathers that battle alongside the sons.

22. Old is an attitude. Calling lasts beyond retirement.

23. Three things my dad taught me: “Be intentional about building/leaving a foundation others can build on.” “Don’t stop learning until they put you 6 feet under.” “Finish the race, fight a good fight, and keep the faith.”

24. Your job is not done yet. So long as you have breath in your lungs you still have purpose and that is to build HIS church (which includes the future leaders).

25. Guard your heart. As one who pastored seniors for several years, some seemed to get complacent in their walk with God, even slipping into various temptations.

26. Fighting the fight may take more energy but finish well, leaving no doubt you have kept the faith.

27. 50+ You matter! God can still use you! You have value in the body of Christ!

28. Your story is not over just cause people say you’re over the hill… keep writing it, keep telling it!

29. Keep going strong in the things of the Lord.

30. Prepare for your retirement now.

31. Encourage the younger generation and don’t complain. God moves in many different ways, not just the way you like.

32. Run the race with excellence. There is no room for mediocrity no matter what age you are.

33. Don’t retire and sit around watching TV and golfing in Florida! The next generations need your wisdom! Please build relationships with us and share what you’ve learned in life, marriage, family, business!

34. Keep friends of all ages, don’t stop working to just relax and look after yourself.

35. Spiritual Retirement.” I think it can get into a person very subtly as one ages. It’s sooo easy to be complacent. And that can go along with temptations too. Let’s run with perseverance!

36. Living well means dying well! Focus on what kind of legacy do they want to leave!

37. How lucky are you to see all the changes in the world thus far. Good and bad. Wisdom comes from experience, and experience is what y’all have.

38. We can never stop, we are never ‘retired’ we simply change with the season and keep moving forward in whatever He has placed us within. For He will place you within a new thing, a new season. This is how we write our testimony. It does not end until we achieve Christ.

39. Encourage the ones coming behind them. They are the ones who understand the challenges and victories we are having.

40. Do not fear failure fear regret

41. Remember to be kind because people are still learning and growing. Don’t become grumpy and disagreeable. They need to remember the joy of the Lord is their strength and God loves them, and they need to remain teachable, God is not finished with them.

42. Respond with love and grace whatever the situation.

43. Keep working for Jesus Christ our Lord.

44. When you do actually retire from your job, pause prayerfully. Keep listening everyday to Jesus in the dailies, and then move on with all that God has purposed for you in your own generation.

45. Don’t stop dreaming, take more risks, catch the waves and ride.

46. Put your creative edge to good use at 50+ no matter how old you are!!!

47. Keep dreaming and setting goals. Barb Day

Can you add to the list and get us to 50+ entries? Join the conversation and leave a comment below. Thank you.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 45 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers


  • Wayne Loe says:

    When you do actually retire from your job, pause prayerfully. Keep listening everyday to Jesus in the dailies, and then move on with all that God has purposed for you in your own generation.

  • Laurie Harrison says:

    These are great words to live by. Love all of them. I will apply thee to my daily life. Thankyou from someone slightly over 50

  • Bob Jones says:

    Thank you, Wayne. That’s #44.

  • Cathryn Heslep says:

    Thank you for this post. Like Laurie, I’m somewhat over 50, but these are excellent words to live by. They remind me of thoughts said about a friend shared at her recent funeral, the tremendous legacy she left and the personal desire to live life accordingly.

  • Barb Day says:

    Thanks for this post, Pastor Bob! I’d like to add one more item to the list: NEVER STOP DREAMING AND SETTING GOALS! At 87 I still am involved in performing music. After moving across the country 3 years ago, I asked the Lord to open a door for me to continue sharing my gifts. Two years later four doors have opened. My latest prayer has been to have my music compositions compiled and put in a book. Compilation is completed. A music book should be printed by September. My next goal is to have opportunities to share stories from my autobiography “From the Henhouse to the Manse” and perform music concerts to include my vocal compositions and piano solos. I encourage my aging colleagues to write their story, too. We seniors have much worthy of sharing with the next generation. BD

  • Bob Jones says:

    Barb, you are amazing!Thank you for sharing your dreams on this blog. Your comment is #47. It was great being with you and Fred in Calgary and getting to hear you play the keys again. 44 years of ministry connection with you. Keep dreaming!

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