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The phrase “throwing the baby out with the bathwater” refers to the act of discarding something valuable while trying to get rid of something undesirable.


Bathwater and babies is about the most gentle reference I can come up with related to what is happening south of our border.

What’s most confounding is the response from American evangelicals. Election exit polls showed that 83% of voters who identified as white, evangelical, born again Christians voted for Donald Trump. That amounted to almost 1/4 of all the people who voted for Trump. Donald Trump is the white evangelical church’s gift to America.

The President is blowing through guardrails issuing Executive orders. Even though some may feel the President has gone too far, there’s zero remorse or regret from evangelical leaders. Some have responded with glee.

The organizations shut down by DOGE had some dirty bathwater, but there were a myriad of innocents as well.

Repercussions were immediate. USAID, shut down. Some non-criminal immigrant families seeking asylum were deported to face repercussions from the governments they fled. Not to say anything about the American international workers and humanitarian programs cut off without a moment’s notice.


Darcy & Brenda Cummer, Canadians who built and operate a medical clinic in Malawi with funds from an Alberta PAOC church as well as USAID. “We pray this will be reversed. USAID is a pillar around the world and very much appreciated and respected. It’s very east for the naysayers to speak up, unless you have been on the ground to see the awesome things they do.”

Ukraine is feeling the freeze is most keenly. USAID invested over $874 million to sustain Ukraine’s economy during the war and to lay the groundwork for a strong and swift economic recovery at war’s end.

The Spurlocks are American global workers in Mae Sot, Thailand. This week they were denied a US Visa for their adopted Thai daughter. “So many told us all the new policies were to keep the baddies out: It doesn’t affect people like you! It stops the bad guys! It’s simply not true. Dear America, I’m scared for us. I’m scared we are becoming the bad guys.”

We Care

My writing may feel like I’m sticking my nose in where it doesn’t belong referring to US actions. Well, here at home the Conservative party pledged to slash Canadian foreign aid budgets after the next election. As well, there is rising anti-immigration sentiments.

I understand the backlash to recent Canadian federal immigration practices. However, aren’t the drastic cuts in the US and the promised measures in Canada, not like throwing the baby out with the bathwater?

Our nations have long histories of providing refuge for the oppressed and a voice for the marginalized.

“We care, and we want to show the world that we care. When people have opportunities and societies are freer and more educated, we are stronger as the United States.”

Take that from First Lady, Melania Trump in 2018 when she saw firsthand the work of USAID on a tour of four African countries.

Security, Stability, Prosperity

Let’s not forget that US and Canadian security, stability, and prosperity have been tied to developmental advancements around the globe. The U.S. is the world’s largest humanitarian donor by far.

Interesting enough, both Canada and the US spend less than one per cent of their budgets on foreign assistance, which is less than European nations.

Would China and others happily step into the humanitarian void? That shouldn’t even be a question.

The Americans will review funding programs, and no doubt revive some level of international support.

What about Canada in the coming months? SWhat about the Canadian church?

Threats, Curses and Candles

David French, an American and founder of the Good Faith podcast, said of the challenge before Christians, “It is easier for followers of Jesus to say, ‘I am suffering because of the sin of the world.’ It is a harder thing to realize, ‘I am suffering and injustice is metastasizing because of the sins of the church’.”

Repentance and compassion would serve Christians well for the sake of the babies in the bathwater.

What do you think? Please join the conversation and post a comment below.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 45 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers


  • Julie MacKenzie says:

    Good Morning Pastor Bob. Another great read this morning. I am observing for the first time in my 63 years on this earth….issues that I have never seen the likes of. Christians saying and doing things that are so against ….the teachings in the Bible. I am “gob smacked”. But, I am going to sit back and see how everything works out. Sometimes, like you said in a previous blog….will just remain silent. Until, I feel the need to voice my opinion. Thank you for sharing your blog with us. I always enjoy reading it first thing in the morning, when I am opening up my emails…the start to my day… every day. Wishing you a great week! <3

  • Ken Clarke says:

    Yes Bob, I agree, the baby is getting thrown out with the bath water. While I agree that this type of action is detrimental to some, I also wonder if a hard reset might be the best strategy. One reason is that the American political system only allows an administration a “short” 4 year period to accomplish their goals. I believe 4 years is not long enough for real change to happen. Maybe hard resets are necessary to achieve real change. I pray for our leaders and those that may suffer from their actions.

  • Dave Ball says:

    Could this be another evidence that evangelical friends on both sides of the 49th parallel are abandoning the gospel of Christ in favor of the O.T. Rules of the Desert: retaliation, bitterness, the sword, retribution, greed…? If so, the lampstand, Christ, is about to be removed from the good church. (Rev. 2:3-6) It appears that the challenges facing the Ephesian church are not unlike the realities of our world. “Keep me true, Lord Jesus, keep me true…there are races to be won, and victories to be won, by Thy Power, every hour, Keep Us True.”…so we pray.

  • Retha says:

    Thank you for speaking up. Thoughtful words from Dietrich Bonhoeffer “Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act”

    To some extent the church in North American is losing its vision. God wants us to use the tools of love, mercy, kindness and compassion to accomplish His work on earth. We are to be His hands and feet in a hurting world. I don’t understand the thinking behind this cut in foreign aid. Don’t the rich countries of the world have a moral obligation to ensure the world’s poorest people have a chance at a decent life? It is a failure of empathy on our part for those far away and removed from our immediate sphere.

    And yes we must pray for our leaders. Pray they will have both wisdom and understanding to tackle the issues close at hand but to also have empathy for those around the world who live in poverty and who live in war zones, Ukraine, Israel/Palestine and, Sudan to name a few.

  • Teresa says:

    Well done Pastor Bob. As you know the Clinic is near and dear to our hearts, in one of the poorest countries, we are concerned for these beautiful people.
    Keep informing the world.

  • Bob Jones says:

    I thought of you as I quoted the Cummers.

  • Bob Jones says:

    Amen to Bonhoeffer.
    My prayer is that wiser hearts will prevail and the cuts to compassionate care will in time be restored with financial support.
    Good wins.

  • Bob Jones says:

    Thank you, Dave for joining this conversation. You are well respected across Canada. Even a soft voice on REVwords can have effect for good.

  • Bob Jones says:

    Ken, a hard reset is one explanation. That would assume there will be a return to humanitarian aid being restored in a large capacity to organizations. The tremendous loss in the short term will take years to fix. Maybe a decade. And all the harm that will be done in that period of time.
    But I pray there will be a reversal in the States and more importantly, that path is not taken by Canada.

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