Wealth 38 Biblical Insights About Wealth 1. God is the owner of everything you have. Psalm 50:10,11 2. You are a trustee, manager, steward of 100% of what God entrusts to you during your lifetime. Matthew 25:14-31 3. God provides for you and prospers you so that you can share with others. 2 Corinthians 9:8 4. God sees the size of your gifts. Mark 12:41-44 5. Every good thing you have came from God. James 1:7 6. Refuse to become selfish about what God has entrusted to you. Mark 8:36 7. Give in proportion to how much God has blessed you materially. Mark 12:44; Acts 11:29 8. God has works for you to do during your lifetime on earth. 1…