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Bright. Vibrant. Colorful. And, most essentially, fun. The same words used so often to describe the enormously popular handbags designed by Kate Spade were an apt description of the woman herself. And that only contributed to the sense of shock and loss upon hearing the news that Spade had taken her own life at 55. Shocked. Stunned. Saddened. Women around the world - from Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump, to women in Europe shopping for a Kate Spade product -  were stunned to hear that Kate was gone. Fern Mallis, former director of the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA), noted that the devastating news of Spade's death came just the morning after virtually the entire New York fashion industry…
Bob Jones
June 6, 2018


As an Emergency Medical Technician, Nadeen LaBoucane belongs to an elite cadre known as "first responders." She's proud of the role she fills. While saving lives is all in a day's work for her, years of accumulated stress nearly came at the expense of her own life. Spiritual IV I met Nadeen at North Pointe in 2015 when she came looking for what we would later call "spiritual IV."  Nadeen shared how she'd served in the emergency medical field for twenty one years as an EMT and most recently as a dispatcher. “I loved being out there helping people. I have to admit, I was a little bit of an adrenaline junkie as well.” But when she suffered a serious…
Bob Jones
June 26, 2016

Kay Warren: The First Christmas Without…

My cousin Sharon died by suicide in April 2003. Her despair from a marriage that ended in divorce coupled with her decade long struggle with depression were too much for her to cope. Christmas 2003 for her surviving family was one in which her extended family left a lot to be desired. Looking back I am sure we dropped the ball. I wish I knew then what I learned by reading Kay Warren's story about the first Christmas without her son, Matthew. THE FIRST CHRISTMAS WITHOUT... Rick and Kay Warren's son Matthew died by suicide in April 2013. Her mother's heart says it all in this post about her first Christmas without Matthew. "Christmas 2013 was our family’s first without…
Bob Jones
December 12, 2014