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How The World Sees You Uncategorized

How The World Sees You

The greatest gift you can give someone is to show them their highest value. This week a friend sent me a link to the Fascination Advantage® assessment. This is a new assessment about how the world sees you at your best. Sally Hogshead, the genius branding expert behind the assessment, gave me a code for 100 free surveys. It turns out that I'm "The Anchor." I learned some new things about myself.  I want to make sure you get the chance to learn the same about yourself. It will take you less than five minutes! Go to: 1. Enter the code BL-bobjones49ers and create a user account with your name, password, and email address. 2. Complete the assessment. (It takes…
Bob Jones
July 16, 2014
Why Falling Only Makes Us Stronger Uncategorized

Why Falling Only Makes Us Stronger

Overcoming falls and setbacks enroute to success is the stuff of Olympic champions. Coupling that with the influence of a mom on the journey is the stuff of life. Moms and success is why P & G produced their 2014 Olympic ad, "Thank You Mom." Its already had over 20 million views on YouTube. Each time I've watched the video I can't help but think of how moms have shaped champions through their everyday interactions with their children. In the moment, kids have no way of appreciating the way a mom can allow pain or even bring pain for their greater good. The message makes me think of how God has interacted with my life. (Skip to the video below…
Bob Jones
February 25, 2014
3 Choices for Strength in Suffering Uncategorized

3 Choices for Strength in Suffering

"Suffering" can be an ugly word. Suffering brings to mind shades of pain, discouragement, anger, and darkness. You know all about it. So does God. It is tough to believe that suffering can reveal anything worth knowing. However, in the upside-down, inside-out, way of the Christian faith, suffering produces more than easy living ever could. Suffering has meaning. In the middle of intense affliction your spirit is more open than ever to the outpouring of God’s love into your life. 3 choices for strength in suffering: 1. Choose to cultivate spiritual serenity in spite of chaotic conditions.  "Shaking mountains” and “agitated waters” (Psalm 46:2,3) are figures of speech for the difficulties we face in life. The Psalmist was inspired to…
Bob Jones
October 5, 2013