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Nabeel Qureshi



The world outside Canada is a disturbing place right now.  Extremism is taking the high ground on political and religious fronts. There are fears that what is outside is incipiently making its way inside - in particular, the tremors caused by radicalized Muslims from Western countries joining international jihad. How will Canada be affected? Answering Jihad I eagerly anticipated the release in March 2016 of “Answering Jihad: A Better Way Forward” because of Nabeel Qureshi’s Muslim heritage and his intellectual firepower. If anyone could take a highly controversial and complex subject and break it down to its essentials, Quershi was the guy. He doesn’t disappoint, writing with insightful clarity and courage. Qureshi’s frank treatment of Islam, the Quran and the…
Bob Jones
March 23, 2016


"Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus" presents a gripping and deeply personal account of Nabeel Qureshi’s journey to faith in Jesus. Qureshi’s story of family, friends, and faith, intertwined with insights into Islam, helped me understand the Muslim world in new ways and see the powerful ways in which God is meeting seekers today. March 7, 2017 - "My family and I have received the news that I have advanced stomach cancer, and the clinical prognosis is quite grim. Nonetheless, we are going to pursue healing aggressively, both medical and miraculous, relying on God and the fact that He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. In the past few days my spirits have soared and sank…
Bob Jones
March 30, 2014