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One of the greatest gifts that God has given you is the gift of imagination. Everything starts with imagination. Nothing becomes reality unless first somebody imagines it. The term "Imagineering" was copyrighted by the Disney corporation in 1967 to describe the outcome of combining imagination and engineering. Imagination is the ability to create through mental pictures. The Bible uses the phrase "sound mind" which describes an imagination dedicated to God. (2 Timothy 1:6) I believe God allows us to see things through faith that we didn’t think were possible in order to remind us of our potential. When you see Amy Purdy, you see what imagination - seeing with the eyes of faith - can do. Dancing With No Legs…
Bob Jones
February 8, 2016
15 EPIC IMAGES Uncategorized


A picture is worth 1,000 words. Here is the equivalent of 15,000 words and you can feel their effect in less than 60 seconds. See what's possible with photography and a bit of creative thinking. From wildlife... to a an unexpected highrise guest. This post has images for everybody's imagination. #1. Plane in a strange place. Photo by David Kovalenko on Unsplash #2. Charlotte's Web... #3. To be or to bee... #4. Now I lay me down to sleep...#5. What do you say, Grasshopper...#6. A whole new look at the domino effect... #7. Overcoming gravity...#8. Oh yeah...#9. On a wing and prayer...#10. Go to the ant...#11. On a clear day you can see... #12. And a one, and a two…
Bob Jones
May 25, 2014