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Readers Choice Top 5 Posts of 2014

5 posts that caught the attention of our readers in 2014. Marriage...courage...cancer.... The stuff of life that that can lift your life to a higher level. Thanks for reading. 1. 13 Things to Stop Doing to Your Marriage         3,380 views I’ve been counseling couples for 34 years – just one year less than the number of years my wife has been reminding me that I am a lucky man. Here are 13 things to stop that can be the start of something fantastic for your marriage. Read more here... 2. 17 Courageous Statements You Need to Hear     2,245 views Courage is what you earn when you've been through tough times. “Courage does not always roar; sometimes courage is the…
Bob Jones
December 28, 2014


* Do you put off doing things that you need to do? * Can’t imagine how you could ever deal with so much clutter on your desk or in your closets? * Don’t know how to choose the perfect work-out program? * Wanting to read and pray everyday but can't find the right time? So you do...nothing. I’ve been there. Everyone has. But not everyone STOPS there. The secret to getting ahead is getting started. 5 Commitments To Make To Yourself TODAY: COMMITMENT #1: Today, I will take responsibility. Nothing in your personal, physical, professional and financial life will change until you start making changes. People are really, really good at self-deception (lying to ourselves keeps us from pain). The…
Bob Jones
November 3, 2013