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Life Formation

15 Reasons Doing Good Is Good For You

A woman was having terrible difficulty getting through the death of her husband. She said to her physician, “Please give me a prescription to help me with my sadness. Every day I go to the cemetery and I put flowers on my husband’s grave, but it doesn’t help. It simply drives me deeper into grief. Please give me a prescription to ease my pain.” (more…)
Bob Jones
October 17, 2023
Life Stories


Inside Commonwealth Stadium the Edmonton Eskimos football team were racking up their sixth straight loss of the season. That was bad enough. Outside Commonwealth, one man went on a Saturday night rampage leaving a police officer and four pedestrians injured. An ISIS flag was found in his vehicle. (more…)
Bob Jones
October 5, 2017


Guest post from Rev. Charity Mongrain, Children's Pastor at North Pointe Community Church. Charity is committed to supporting families by nurturing the faith of children and drawing them towards Christ. Charity has been actively involved in Children's Ministry most of her life. Charity has held pastoral roles in Ontario, North Carolina, Manitoba and Alberta. She is a part of the Writer's Group at North Pointe. There is moisture in the air. Not rain, not snow - just moisture. The air is thick with it – fog; as far as the eye can see. It hides the shore, the sea, all. The silence of this place, this quiet moment is interrupted by another blast of the foghorn, a warning to all…
Bob Jones
July 6, 2014