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7 Connections Between 9/11 and An Ancient Mystery Uncategorized

7 Connections Between 9/11 and An Ancient Mystery

History, coincidences and mystery - you've got to be interested in one of them. A friend suggested I read the book, “The Harbinger” because it combines all three. The book is an intriguing page-turner. Though it sounds like the script for a Hollywood thriller it’s based on historical occurrences. Reading this book is like eating chicken - consume the meat and cast aside the bones. The following observations may help you decide to pick up a copy and read it in more detail. Seven Observations From Jewish and American History 1. When the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre came down on September 11th, 2001, every building in proximity to the Towers was destroyed or badly damaged, except for…
Bob Jones
July 23, 2014