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Let’s begin with the end in mind: Merry Christmas from the Jones Family!

Jones Family 2024

As the year winds up and the temperature goes down, we reflected on the 352 days that were.

On January 2nd, we set a goal of raising $70,000 for my 70th year for humanitarian aid in Ukraine. We had no idea how that would happen. I know of entire organizations and churches that aimed at a far smaller total. Seemed kind of audacious.

Who could foresee that our eldest son would be encouraged by his wife to run 7 marathons in 7 days to get some attention to raise funds. And he did it. The idea worked. Linda Stride “owned” a hiking trail in BC going 30 days in a row, a church in Alymer held a 10km run, Lillian and Kevin in Bonnyville held a spin fundraiser, and Vahen King’s mom raised funds in Nfld.

And other friends joined in across Canada and together gave big and raised and distributed $56,723 by November! And the total is still moving towards $70,000. So much gratitude for everyone who sacrificed time, energy, and money. Thank you for investing.

Bob’s translator, Tanya and her husband David.

Bob spent three weeks in Ukraine in April, teaching at a seminary and working with pastors in Eastern Ukraine. In September one of the pastors came to St Albert for two months to be with his daughter who married a Canadian in October. We travelled with him and his wife to a couple of churches where he was invited to talk about what God is doing in Ukraine.

In November we went to Montreal for a 40-year reunion of the youth and leaders we got to work with in the 80s.


We enjoyed Jocelyn’s mom’s company from January to July when she went to visit her sisters in New Brunswick and came back in late October.

She turns 94 soon and is able to hold her own in our household.

July to October we enjoyed time at the cabin with Jean Marc and Angie, Quinn, Lena and Annora. Cory and Lynsey, Vince and Jayda came in July and August. The grandkids all love the water!

They are growing and enjoying dance, swimming, volleyball, basketball, floor hockey, guitar, and flag football. Quinner turned 13 in May; our first teenage grandchild.

Coaching, Writing, Homemaking

In addition to his church coaching role, Bob finished a book as a “ghostwriter” this year. Being a ghostwriter means he can’t tell you the title of the book but it will be released North America-wide in January. We, mostly he, write every week on REVwords. Jocelyn makes home a very difficult place to be away from. She put our Tree up at the end of November. Our days begin in the dark with only the lights of the tree for illumination. Nice.

2025 is someone else’s 70th birthday. We are planning to celebrate that milestone in a big way. More to come on that.

Bob’s work will take him to his southern-most church in Claresholm, and then to Fort Good Hope, NWT, his most northerly church. That’s a one-way trip of 1,997kms. In March he flies off to Virginia for a conference. There is another trip to Ukraine in the works, and this time Jocelyn will be going.


We had front row seats for the return of Edmonton’s beloved, Singing Christmas Tree. Kudos to John Cameron, Mannie Fonte, Don Robinson and the 100s of volunteers who perform and produce this incredible Christmas event.

Christmastime, at this stage of our ministry, is an opportunity to wind down and reflect.

The Christmas story in the gospels is  a stunning portion of the Bible. The experiences of Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, shepherds, angels, Magi, and various other characters are awe inspiring. The story shines a light on God’s timing and attention to detail.

Merry Christmas!

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 45 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers


  • Julie MacKenzie says:

    Merry Christmas to you & yours Pastor Bob! ❤️ You sure had a busy year. I love to read about your journey & adventures. There are people half your age, who don’t do as much as you do. That is a blessing. My Mom used to say, “that is the fountain of youth”. To stay engaged with the community, volunteer in your community, to keep learning new things, to keep reading, & to keep socializing with not only people that are the same age as you…but, to hang out with “youngins” too & finally…to follow your passions in life. (The passions that give you “Joy”.). My Mom was a great role-model…& I have taken her advice. It has been a blessing for me too. Thank you for sharing this blog with us. I always enjoy reading it. Keep on, keeping on. ❣️

  • Adena Lowry says:

    Merry Christmas to your whole family as you have no signs of slowing down. Amazing the work God is doing in you and through you. Blessings to you both this Christmas . It really is a wonderful life .

  • Bob Jones says:

    Thank you, Adena. And Merry Christmas to your fanmily. Looking forward to connecting in 2025.

  • Bob Jones says:

    Thank you, Julie. It was great to see you in the Singing Christmas Tree this year! Merry Christmas to you.

  • Geoff mckay says:

    Pastor Bob, most 16 year olds couldn’t keep up to you. Read your posts all year and are amazed at what you do. Biggest humble heart I know for spreading the good news of Jesus. Continued good health for 2025.
    Your Friend,

  • Bob Jones says:

    Geoff, I’m trying to keep up with you. I hope you’re enjoying your trip. Merry Christmas to you and Shelene.

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