A newly married, young couple, planting a church in Ukraine in the middle of a war.
A God Connection
I met Pasha and Alina in December 2023 in Ukraine. Out of the 200+ people at a conference I preached at, God put them on my heart. They were newly married, young, and had just planted a church.
Since then, we have provided them with funding to repair the roof of a community centre that was loaned to them for church services. I visited with them in April 2024. We’ve stayed i touch on Facebook.
I April I met the mayor of their community. He was impressed with their leadership and service in the community.
They are hard workers, have developed a children’s ministry and a youth group. A young entrepreneur from Edmonton started financially supporting them every month which freed them up to focus on ministry.
Alina sent me the following info on February 22nd.
Ministry Update
Today the mayor of the Sofiivka district came to thank us for the work done in the village with the community and the successful repair of the ceiling (in the community centre where they operate their church).
And he called everyone to a meeting, Ed Dickson, Bishop Pavlo, pastors Pavlo and Alina. For further cooperation with the church.
Pastor Pasha and Alina want to invite you, Pastor Bob, when you come to Ukraine, to talk more with the mayor and show the person through whom God helped to start and develop the ministry in Lyubimovka and in the future of the entire Sofiivka district.
Abstracts of communication with the Head of the Sofiivskyi district and representatives of the religious community of the Christian church “Uslavleniya”
Community Opportunities
1) Personal acquaintance for more effective work
2) Work in Lyubimivka – Invites to his council to present gratitude for the cultural and religious development of the community, gratitude for the repair of the roof, and the installation of a suspended ceiling in the club hall (45 m2)
3) Initiative on the part of the mayor to sign a memorandum for further service in the Lyubimivka club. (If the government changes so that we are not kicked out of the club where there is no payment for electricity, gas and rent)
4) The mayor will allocate funds for the repair of the walls in the club. We as a church want to help with the repair. Will provide an excavator and a grader for the reconstruction of the football field in Lyubimivka.
5) Invites to conduct service in other villages of the district.
6) Work in Lyubimivka. Holding sports, cultural and religious events with children and youth. Participation in the Sofiivka football league. Humanitarian aid for displaced persons.
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