I thought back to when I thought I was the only one, the only Christian who struggled. The scars of all these long years of pain are good reminders to think again.
Standing before 5000 women Sheila Walsh asked the question, “Is there anyone in the audience who has ever attempted suicide or been plagued by suicidal thoughts like I’ve been? Severe depression? Any kind of mental illness? If so would you join me in the front?”
Sheila had never shared that part of her personal journey. And now it was out.
A Holy Moment
Sheila reflects, “I will never forget the next few minutes. Women began to pour to the front of the stage. I stood with tears coming down my cheeks. Some were teens and some were in their seventies. There were hundreds and hundreds of them.
Here we all were and the thought struck me: We were not alone. We were together sharing this holy moment.”
“I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13-14 (ESV)

Advance copies of Sheila’s new book “It’s OK To Not Be OK” available at the September 24th event.
As I spoke, something became crystal clear. When we try to hide our wounds and scars – all those things we believe make us less lovely – we make fear and shame the stronghold of our lives.
Beauty Out Of The Scars
“But when we bring our wounds to Jesus, when we out our secrets and shame, we make HIM the stronghold of our lives. He uses our wounds for His purposes. He makes something so beautiful out of our scars. And He wants to do that for you today.
Jesus will make something beautiful from your scars.”
You Are Not Alone
“If you’re like me and you struggle with suicidal thoughts, or if you self-harm in any way, I invite you to join me in a prayer. Copy this onto a card or take a screenshot with your phone so that you have this at hand when the darkness strikes. Because you are not alone. When the darkness hits, you may feel alone, abandoned, and afraid.
I know what despair tastes like, and I know the lie that says it would be better for everyone if you were no longer here. It sounds true, but it comes from the pit of hell. We stand together and declare in Jesus’ name that we will live to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.”
Lord Jesus Christ, I am broken but You died so that I might find healing. You were rejected so that I could be fully accepted. And I choose life now in Your powerful name. I am Your well-loved child on the days when I feel it and on the days when I don’t. I refuse to listen to the lies of the enemy anymore, and I confess with my mouth that in Jesus’ name, I will live! Amen.
Amen, my friend.
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Thank you. This popped up at a perfect time for me. In my profession, I remind many people that it is ok to not be ok. This is such an important message! I have difficulty however in applying it to my own world. Often I am not ok, just taking it one day at a time…I need to give myself grace and be ok with not being ok sometimes. Thanks again
I’m looking forward to seeing & hearing Sheila. Thank you for giving me access to such an inspiration.
I have had the good fortune of seeing her speak twice at 2 different churches. She is a force to be reckoned with. She is a great speaker & so engaging. Never a dull moment. Thank you for sharing this blog Pastor Bob. ❤️ So many people can benefit from it & hopefully, they can get a chance to see her. Keep on, keeping on. I look forward to your blog every week.
It’s like I’m reading my life through your words. Thank you for speaking out about this painful and lonely way of living the voices in my head telling me to just do it cause I’m just no good for anyone I just cause trouble wherever I go and that I should never have been born
Thank you Sheila it means so much to me especially right now as I go through the heartache of cutting ties from people who are meant to protect and love me but just hurt me over and over again