Five letters and two numbers are adding up to an unprecedented crisis. In a crisis, not only is wellness possible, it is essential. And you can be well when everything around you is not. In the midst of uncertainty, utilize a simple tool to consider the various ways this crisis is impacting you. Your well being in the COVID-19 crisis depends on it.
Follow the prompts below to identify and process your thoughts and feelings. You will notice that some of the prompts ask you to think through where you might access additional support. Reaching out can be vulnerable and difficult for various of reasons.
My hope is that this tool will help when you feel overwhelmed. Please reach out – you are needed and loved. You are not alone.
God is for you.
List aspects of COVID-19 that are challenging or causing you fear? (Examples: Social distancing, being quarantined, financial hardships, cancelled events and schools, etc.)
What are resources you can go to for more support? (Examples: Tele-counseling, daily podcasts/devotionals, online church services and resources; worship playlists, online meal plan suggestions, etc.)

Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash
What losses are you grieving in this unexpected season? (Examples: Unexpected loss of income; postponed or canceled events such as weddings, graduations, funerals, sporting events; social activities such as coffee with friends, the movies, dining out, gym/workout classes, etc.)
Safe People
Name people you can share your stress and grief with in this time of crisis. (Examples: Friends, family, church ministers, a counsellor, neighbours, etc.)
Self-Care and Activities
What are some new activities you may want to explore? (Examples: Cooking, going for walks or hikes, reading a new book, listening to a new podcast, taking up a new hobby, trying a new art expression – water colour, coloring book, creating masterpieces of encouragement with chalk on a sidewalk, etc.)
What are ways you can give to others during this crisis? (Examples: Facetime or call friends, drop off groceries to a friend’s doorstep, donate to a food pantry, etc.)
Fill in the blank: “I hope ________.” (Examples: To develop new habits, to feel more connected to my neighbours, to enjoy my time at home, to learn how to bake, etc.)
3 Questions For Your Soul
1. How is your faith today?
2. What do you know about God today? His character? His goodness?
3. Who and what is first in your heart and mind today?
“I am he who will sustain you, I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” Isaiah 46:4b (NIV)
How is the wellness of your soul? Please leave a comment below. Thank you.
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