The old man was home again. He could be heard roaring, grumbling and then roaring again, cursing profusely in his drunken stupor, growling as he stumbled around the lower level of the house that was anything but home for Maury Blair.
Maury Blair
When I lived in Ontario in another life, Maury Blair was a well know name because of his remarkable story. He authored a book entitled, Child of Woe, chronicling the thirteen years of daily abuse he endured from a stepfather. We had Maury speak in our church in Essex. Maury’s story is known in Canada and around the world because of his work with the abused, Breakthrough Ministries.
Maury’s mom was a Pentecostal evangelist. When her mom took ill, she returned home, and the time of caring for her mom went from months to years. His mom never returned to ministry, married, had three children and then her husband died. She spurned her brother-in-law’s marriage proposal and went on a trip to the States. There she became pregnant, returning to Paris, Ontario where she married her brother-in-law. Her new husband did not want Maury and the agreement was made when they married that Maury was to go. After they married his mother could not let him go and because of that he became a stigma of his stepfather’s rejection and of his wounded pride.
Maury’s first recollection of life was being cursed, hated, and so severely abused he was left for dead more than once.
The first day in his stepfather’s home he was kicked across the room and against a wall, unconscious. His older brother thought he was dead. As he held him in his arms and Maury’s eyes opened he looked down and said, it isn’t going to be good to be in this house ’cause dad hates you. Maury never ate at a table, never had birthdays, and never had Christmas. He lived off of leftovers secreted to his room by his brothers. Every night his alcoholic father came home from work for one purpose – to beat Maury unconscious.
Maury recalls that no teachers at school ever intervened or asked questions even though his body was covered in bruises. He often contemplated suicide, believing that if he were gone, life would better for his mom. He grew up hearing he was a piece of garbage, of no value, everyone would be better off if he was dead. Maury had bruises all over his body but the wounds on the inside were deeper. “Blair, you must be the foulest, ugliest, human being on the face of the earth. You are good for nothing.” Physical relief came only when his stepfather died.
Curse of Abuse Broken
Today, Maury is married to Bev for 54 years, father to three daughters and grandchildren. Stats show that 86% of people physically abused as children become abusers. Not with Maury. What made the difference? Not long after his stepfather died, he came across a book by Norman Vincent Peale, “Stay Alive All Your Life.” The title grabbed his attention.
He read the book, heard about Jesus, and that hurt, little kid encountered God. Suddenly, deep in his spirit he was transformed by Jesus Christ. He walked out of his bedroom, his mom took one look at him and asked, what happened to you? He said, God was in that room. I just met God. That started Maury on the road to recovery.
Maury’s life became devoted to helping teens find hope through Teen Challenge and in Breakthrough Ministries. He has travelled internationally, produced a video seen by 1.2 million people, authored a book, “Child of Woe,” and appeared in numerous television programs.
Maury knows that “Your past does not have to determine your future.”
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I met Maury Blair several years ago when he and Bev walked into the National House of Prayer in Ottawa. He absolutely glowed with the power of the Holy Spirit. His story is definitely one of great redemption.
When Garry was on the platform or in a room at church, the mood in the room was buoyant. He had a way of lifting up people. One of my favourite memories is Garry quoting a scripture prayer that he said everyday. Powerful.
Thanks for posting. There is no way of knowing how many lives Maury has touched – and more to come.
So true. Maury is a great guy and minister. He is possibly one of least know, best stories in Canada. Thanks for joining the conversation.
Good Morning Pastor Bob. This story resonated with me. My husband also came from a home where he was physically, mentally, & verbally abused by his alcoholic father. In fact, I know that he came from 3 generations of it. I never thought he would go down the same path, because he hated it so much, when he was growing up. A large family of 6 children…& every one of those kids handled the abuse in a different way. Everything was fine in our marriage for 23 years. My husband was a heavy-duty field mechanic….on the road for 23 years of our marriage. I prayed for him to get a job in the city. It felt like I had a silent partner for all those years…as I took care of everything by myself, when he worked. It was very stressful at times…making all the appointments for everyone, including him. I was always on the parent advisory committees for my kids at school, went on field trips, the cook, the maid, the social convenor, the party planner, the nurse, the chauffeur, the discipliner, etc. You probably get what I’m saying…the “everything”. I’m not complaining, it was my job, as a Stay-at-home Mom. I loved my job…that was part of our plan. I still went back to work after my first child was born. In those days, there was only a 4 month maternity leave. Not what they get now…up to 18 months. (12 months paid maternity leave). So, after my second child was born, my husband was able to work & support us with a great wage. We both came from families where we had our Moms at home. So, when he came off the road…finally…he started hanging out with his “drinking buddies” every Saturday. Fixing equipment that his friend would buy from the auction. I didn’t have issue with the fixing…I had issue with the drinking afterwards. There were times he came home, driving 45 minutes on the backroads..from an acreage in Devon. I wondered how he didn’t get himself killed or kill the person coming the other way. I told him to stop it. Of course, it fell on deaf ears. “When you hang out with dogs, you are going to get fleas”, is the quote that comes to mind. Well, this went on for 18 months.. too long. I went to an AADAC Spousal Support group to get educated about my own circumstances. I asked him if he wanted to come with me, as spouses were allowed to come as well. He said “No, as everyone would be talking about him”…I said, on the contrary…it would be about everyone’s dynamics in their life situation. For 6 weeks I ran back & forth to my car, in a sketchy part of the downtown area. By the way, no husbands attended these meetings…only the women. All sorts of addictions: Gambling, Drugs, Sexual, Alcohol…I felt out of place, as my husband was “only” an alcoholic. Most women there had husbands who had 2 or more. Anyways, after 18 months of verbal abuse, & trying to make it work….I made the choice to divorce him. I just could not live the life, I saw his Mom & Dad live. I did not come from that myself. In fact, my Dad had an alcoholic Dad…& like Maury, did not go down the same path as his step-dad. Thank goodness for small miracles. So, divorced for 16 years…& that is how I ended up at North Pointe Church in the Divorce Class, that was headed by Michael Voll at that time. I kept driving by the sign, “Come as you are”..At that time,Evelyn was the Receptionist. I called, found out when the services were…attended the meetings at the Divorce class…& that is how my relationship to North Pointe started. It has been a blessing in my life. I have no regrets in divorcing my husband. I broke his generational curse. Love can’t fix everything. Thank you for sharing this blog with us. ❤️ Another great read.
I heard Maury’s story early in my ministry, when I took my youth group from Drayton Valley, to hear him when he was ministering nearby. I had never read or heard his story before, so I was not personally prepared. Why did that matter? Well, in so many ways. my own life story mirrored his. I layed at the altar that night as my youth waited for me and poured out my heart to God, relaeasing the fear, anger and pain before Him. I experienced a healing that I had never had before. There at the altar, I was able to forgive those who had hurt me so much as a child and God changed me in a miraculous way. My life and ministry were transformed. God is good. I’ve never had the opportunity to share my appreciation to Maury for his ministry to me, as a young man and pastor. Thank-you for sharing, Bob!
I didn’t know about your connection with Maury. So good that God can turn a life around in a matter of moments with the right heart and the right people. God bless you as an instrument of peace in the lives of others.
What a story, Julie! Thank you for sharing. The message of “come as you are” is God’s heart. So glad you know His love and grace.