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Dramatic life changes can have modest beginnings. Just walking across a room was all it took to start a conversation that changed Brian Chudy forever.

A Walk Across A Parking Lot

In March 2018, I came to North Pointe Church a broken man. Our home is a stone’s throw away from North Pointe so when my wife strongly suggested I seek out help for my addiction, the closest church seemed like a good choice.

We showed up ten minutes early for the 12:30pm Sunday service and found our way to some back row seats in the auditorium. We weren’t church-goers and we were surprised at the welcome we received. A guy walked across the room to shake our hands. He introduced himself as “Bob.”

Later, we found out that he was the pastor of the church.

5 Days Later

At the end of the service we hung around to talk to Bob again. He suggested we get together later that week. The next day I got a text from him confirming our meeting time. I was impressed.

On Thursday afternoon we met in his office and I shared my story. Addictions have been a life-long struggle for me. Even the battles I’ve won didn’t guarantee the end of my struggle. Bob shared Jesus with me. How each of has a hurt, habit or hang-up – or all three. Jesus came to set us free from these and how I could find that freedom through a decision.

Bob asked if I was ready to ask Jesus into my life as Savior, and I replied, “Yes.” So we prayed.

And something good happened. Something great!

Following Jesus To Freedom

I became a follower of Jesus. Bob introduced me to Joey Pilgrim, another pastor at North Pointe and he was the first to hear my story of salvation.

My life is changing. I joined the Christ-centred Addiction Recovery Education (CARE) ministry. My family is happier and I was baptized on Sunday May 27, 2018.

Plus I met an incredible group of guys on a Wednesday night at North Pointe in a program called MOTR (Men Of The Rock). I’ve always been into physical training but these guys take it to the next level. Reuben Celemin – the facility manager at North Pointe – leads us every Wednesday night in physical and spiritual training. It’s rigorous and I love it.

Addicted To the Right Place

Since that day I have not missed a Sunday and keep getting more and more addicted to the right place.

I am so glad I found Jesus through North Pointe.

I hope you will, too.

Brian Chudy.

Please post feedback or encouragement for Brian below. Thank you.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 45 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers


  • Carole Holmes Schlachta says:

    A wonderfully encouraging story.
    Thank you for sharing. I shall pass this on.
    May the Lord continue to bless, heal and use this young man to His glory.

  • Cheryl says:

    Thank you for sharing Brian, it’s so awesome to get to know you more and more each week. Love to witness the changes that God is working within you brother!

  • Teresa Chudy says:

    I’m beyond proud of you my older cousin Brian and would like to thank and honour you and your family in your brave decision to live your best life and walk with our Lord. In Jesus name Amen, God bless you and I love you! January 11, 2019

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