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Just when you think you’ve seen it all, along comes the ambush on Friday February 28th.


Who knew that wearing a suit was so sincerely important to the American press, that a president at war with a terrorist would be mocked about dress codes?

Who knew that two schoolyard bullies would gang up to gaslight a visiting politician in a usually respectful, safe space.

And on what planet is it OK to embarrass a foreign dignitary and escort an ally out of the White House?

American Presidents have treated enemies with more respect than was afforded to President Zelensky.

A reporter from the Russian state media, TASS, cleared security to enter the Oval Office for this meeting. At the same time the AP was barred.


 “During war, everybody has problems, even you, but you have a nice ocean and don’t feel now, but you will feel it in the future.”

Let that quote just hang there.

Zelensky’s comment sums up what exactly what lies before Europe and North America. Europe gets it.

On February 24th, the Polish Foreign Minister gave a speech in the U.N. He said, “Some of our member states now seem to believe that ending the war at any cost and restoring business as usual with Russia will be beneficial. As a representative of a country neighboring both Russia and Ukraine, I can tell you it will not.”

Ukraine stands in the way of Russian aggression in Europe and the world. The US and Canada are not untouchable.

Within an hour of the Oval Office meeting, sirens went off across Ukraine as Russia launched another deadly wave of drones. I’ve been there. The sirens didn’t bother me then but hearing them today in videos from friends really got to me. Canadians have no idea. We fear war. I don’t want our grandkids to be at war. But there is something we need to fear more than war and death.


To elevate appeasement above peace is to make prosperity an idol in the place of God.

Ukrainians are the latest in a line of historical instructors to show us that peace, freedom, and independence never arise out of appeasement. Imperialist dictators demand resistance.

And at the same time, the purposes of God are never served well through anger, revenge, or bitterness. Historic godly and righteous motivation has been to act on behalf of the vulnerable and voiceless.

“A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful and restrained. It can afford to extend a helping hand to others. It is a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity.” Jimmy Carter

Security and compassion are compatible.

In the last five years, we’ve seen Christians overcoming even under the threat of Chinese Communists or European authoritarians or Latin American despots or Iranian ayatollahs.

I’ve been re-reading Matthew 5-7, the “sermon on the mount.”  Russel Moore, editor-in-chief at Christianity Today, explained that evangelical pastors he works with are facing pushback when preaching the words and ethics of Jesus.

He said, “Multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount parenthetically in their preaching – turn the other cheek – to have someone come up after to say, ‘Where did you get those liberal talking points?’ … What was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ, the response would be, ‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak.’”When Christians are quick to publicly proclaim that the teachings of Jesus are antiquated and weak, we have a crisis on our hands.


What defines Jesus’ followers is not power to dominate the weak.

Demonstrate character not with the capacity to traumatize the afflicted.

Speak truth not by how we taunt, deride or belittle the embattled, broken or battered.

We are at our best when we are resolute against evil.

We tell Gospel truth when we defend the weak.

The last book of the Bible is my first choice of reading to understand the chaos of our moment.

I see Jesus showing the Apostle John unseen things that look strangely familiar. For a church seemingly under the heel of an imperial Rome, Jesus contrasts the power of a self-exalting humanity, “the Beast,” against the way of the Cross. The coercive, animal strength of humanity is there in the open. But we also see a different power: Beheaded saints sit on thrones, the ones who “loved not their lives even unto death” (Rev. 12:11).

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 45 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers


  • Julie MacKenzie says:

    Good Morning Pastor Bob. I was absolutely appalled, at the way President Zelensky was treated in that meeting. That was a planned ambush from Trump & his administration. I was embarrassed to watch that from a sitting President. Trump shaking his finger & scolding President Zelensky like he was a child. When the only one acting like a “petulant child”….was Trump. President Zelensky has more class & integrity in his pinky finger…than Trump has in his whole body. I just shook my head & found myself talking back to the TV screen. I don’t think that the US can come back from that “Gong Show”. Like I always say…”when people show you who they are…believe them”. & The sitting President & his administration have been showing the World who they are, for a month now. & It’s not pretty. Thank you for sharing this blog with us. Have a great week. ❤️

  • Bob Jones says:

    “When people show you who you are, believe them.” Great perspective, Julie.

  • Raquel says:

    Last Friday’s broadcast attack on President Zelensky by the US President and his VP was indeed alarming. I felt upset at what I saw and heard from our TV on Friday. It was so disturbing and heartbreaking.

    “Where is empathy for the people of Ukraine?” I said in my mind.

    Lord, I pray for Ukraine and its leaders….in Jesus’ name.

  • Wayne Loe says:

    I agree, but I also wonder … Television antics aside for a moment what does pressing for security guarantees in front of the administration and a very broad western audience really mean. Is that entrance into NATO? And if so what does that mean, and is that a corner the US administration does not want to be put into. Particularly on camera.
    Would a minerals deal potentially end a war sooner and with much less bloodshed as that puts American citizens and corporations in places throughout Ukraine. What is the better deterrent against a Russian aggressor. Not the best deterrent maybe, but better at this moment?
    I am only musing out loud here, so feel free not to post this. My intention is not to take sides as far as the television spectacle is concerned, but to just pause for a moment and wonder about what will end this war or escalate it.
    We have not just a Russian aggressor, but China as well. China’s “100 year dream” as Ping openly boasts. Their stated goal to be the most powerful economic, political, and military power the world has ever seen by 2049.
    Then there is the complexity of the European Union.
    And of course drama and loss of life is unfolding not only in Europe but in the Middle East. The Islamic Caliphate has its own “dream” … Israel is not in it. Or the West as we know it for that matter.
    Canada has its own issues now, so we have to wake up from our slumber. The North is both a strength but for us a current weakness. We could not defend against either a Russian or Chinese Arctic aggression.
    Nor could only an European contingent of NATO. Energy security, border security, and the rise of competing empires means the world is once again on edge.
    The United Nations can do little to bring peace. So how should this deadly chess game play out?
    What role does the US play, no matter who runs the administration. The current one however is breaking all norms. We will know soon enough what this will mean for us all. …

  • Bob Jones says:

    That’s a lot of musings, Wayne.

    However, it reflects the complexity of the moment and that can be confusing. After I posted this, I reminded myself that I am not an expert and don’t mean to sound like one. I write because I am concerned that silence id acceptance. The globe has shifted in the last 5 years with a pandemic, war in Europe, economic woes and a shift in global alliances. It’s a challenging time to govern.

    I work hard to be open minded and not fall prey to politically biased info. Everyone has an agenda. I still like the axiom, “Follow the money.” Never before have so few controlled so much global wealth. 114 people control 90% of the wealth. A couple of the wealthiest people in the world are working on the inside with President Trump. Concerning when a government idealized as working for world peace through NATO and the UN does a 180.

  • Bob Jones says:

    Thank you for praying for Ukraine. Recently, I have been invited into online international prayer meetings for Ukraine. One more today.

  • Ernie Pudwill says:

    Always wondered how the United States fit into the last book of the bible. The “scripted” attack on what was supposed to be a friend and ally demonstrated the complete disregard for political norms and respect for the leader of any country. Trump and his followers and advisors have turned normal and expected upside down and I believe set the stage for the development of a united Europe which fits much better into the book of Revelation.
    Considering how the United States is destroying relations with what were their allies I can see that ultimately the US will become less influential on the world stage and those allies will increase in confidence and influence.

  • Bob Jones says:

    I have to hope that the US checks and balances for government are strong and that in the long run, the efforts of Trump will have no lasting consequence. The government of the US is making noises like it has become a transactional government which is foreign to how they have behaved historically. The US started the UN and NATO as alliances for peace. To exit them is counter to all that the US has stood for in it’s history.

  • Dave Ball says:

    Yes, thank you Pastor Bob,,, and indeed the power of self-exalting humanity is a pervasive Beast, tempting even Christians to go and act likewise. Thank you for reminding us that the Word of the Lord Jesus stands today, and so we pray that the Lord Himself would, by His Spirit, “touch His people once again”, restore us, renew us, and where there has been lack of love, rekindle within His Chruch that First Love, showing us once again WHO JESUS IS, at the centre of the Church that would truly be…His Church

  • Bob Jones says:

    I appreciate your spirit, Dave. I was in a prayer meeting today with leaders in Ukraine. They appreciate Canadian generosity so much. They are trust in the Lord and they lead with courage and generosity.

  • Bob Jones says:

    My friend, Mark Hazzard, offers 5 pieces of wisdom for life on social media. Well said.
    1. Be humble. I am completely capable of being wrong. Proverbs 18:17- “The first one to plead his case seems right, until another comes and cross-examines him.”
    2. No matter how much information I have about something, there is probably more information that I don’t have.
    3. I don’t have to share every opinion that I have.
    4. It is possible to disagree and still maintain healthy relationships.
    5. It’s not just what we say, but how we say it that matters.

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