The most spiritual thing you will ever do is hidden in plain sight.
Spiritual Things
Watkins Books lists The 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People in 2019 and they ascribe to dozens of spiritual practices from mindfulness to the music of the Zodiac wheel.
But what is the most spiritual thing you will ever do?
Live the serenity prayer?
Live simply?
Be in the now?
Read Marianne Williamson?
Practice mindfulness?
Watch Oprah?
Give up religion?
Vote Conservative? Or Republican?
Mostly good but only warm so far.
What About These?
Post Bible verses on Facebook?
Memorize Bethel song lyrics?
Speak in tongues?
Give all I possess to the poor?
Don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t chew and don’t go with girls who do?
Read Richard Rohr?

Photo by Shaun Frankland on Unsplash
One Of These?
Volunteer at a food bank? At an inner city mission?
Become a missionary?
OK, it must be love.
So what it is it?
Simply Divine
The most spiritual thing you do is simply divine.
Divinity likes simplicity.
The Creator brought the universe into existence with a few well-chosen words.
And that’s the most spiritual thing you will ever do.
And now I hope you’ll choose to forgive me for taking you on this journey.
Of course you say. All of the preceding is choices. It’s obvious now.
But the obvious often eludes us. Or is ignored. Or worse still, is denied.
Free Will
You have a free will.
That means you can make choices.
The power to change is the power of choice.
You are free to choose.
“Oh, but you don’t understand. I have no choice. You don’t know what I’m facing. My circumstances are beyond my control.”
Oh, but I do understand.
And you do have a choice.
You have a choice in every circumstance of your life.
Free To Choose
You are free to choose. You are not free not to choose.
For instance, you can choose joy. It’s a choice called rejoice.
You can choose love, its called forgiveness.
You have complete control over two things:
- Your attitude.
- Your effort.
Freedom and Choice
Dr. Viktor Frankl made the effort to find meaning in his suffering and survived Nazi oppression in Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Kaufering and Türkheim. The Jewish Austrian neurologist and psychologist observed, “The last of the human freedoms: to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. Between stimulus and response is the freedom to choose.”
Perception and Choice
The choice you make in interpreting and understanding the world directly affects your beliefs and the way you live your life.
Perception is reality. Perception creates fear as much as it creates curiosity.
Out of Jewish history you see the choice that doomed the nation of Israel to forty years of wilderness wanderings. Twelve out of twelve spies saw enormous potential but ten of those spies perceived threat rather than opportunity.
Destiny and Choice
Choices determine destiny.
Joshua, one the greatest leaders in history, made it very simple for his nation.
“Choose you this day whom you will serve.” Joshua 24:15 (English Standard Version)
Joshua was on to something.
One Choice
You have one choice in life.
Simple. Profound.
Here it is – Who will be your god? Who will you serve?
You control the choice to surrender control.
Mastered by God, I am the master of my circumstances. Mastered by anything else I am the slave of my circumstances.
I Have Decided
In the upside-down kingdom of Jesus humility lifts you up.
I choose humility.
“Jesus, I surrender to you control of my need to be right, my self-sufficiency, my striving to get ahead, my judgmental attitude, my inferiority and insecurity. I accept your control over my musings, attitudes and anxious thoughts. My cares I cast on you. I receive your peace to guard my heart and mind.”
I refuse the temptation to be cynical. Cynicism is the tool of a lazy thinker.
I refuse to see people as anything less than human beings, created by God.
I refuse to see any problem as less than an opportunity to see God.
My decision is to follow Jesus.
When God masters you, you can be out of control and loving it.
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Surrendering ones life to Jesus Christ our Lord, for me, is summed up in 2 bible verses – 2 Cor 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come and Gal 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for. To quote John Newton – Gods grace is truly sweet & amazing!
Thank you for your article Pastor Bob. Very well expressed.
I’m guessing this is in answer to the first reference and questions. Confusing.
I’m going to choose not to run through every suggestion. Books are interesting but only if they steer me to the word of God. Celebrities are not a concern to me. I was brought up in Pentecost, although sometimes I’m shocked as to how many people in ministry have changed, twisted and misinterpret scripture.
For me this is my learning in effect, the Bible is the Living Word of God. Emphasis on Living Word of God. Too many twist teachings to explain their reasoning in changes.
For me, the Word of God is living in me, Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. He always shows me Grace, Mercy, Faithfulness, Trust, Promise and most and above everything Love.
I am not self-righteous, but when scripture clearly says one thing, truth, I am appauled at how many people in leadership are now changing or trying to change God’s word to fit their perspective. Nothing has changed since the Bible was given to us. People, it is plain, nevermind reasons for change or other reasoning.
For me, God is love and has promised “he will never forsake me”. That’s what I stand on. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are with me always and that is real in His Word for my life.
Thank you for this post today. Our daughter with three little kiddos was just diagnosed with double pneumonia today. I choose to be thankful for doctors and medication. For kind neighbours who took the children. For her husband, our son in law, who said he could manage but also said that I was welcome to come if I like (of course, can’t hold me back!!!), for people who are praying, and for God watching her and hearing her. For our Ladies Bible Study this morning and being reminded of Matthew 6:33. Our daughter is worth more than the sparrows and yet God sees them too. He’s got this and I have to choose all day and in the next few days to remember that. Deep breath, in out, choose joy. ❤️
Choosing isn’t always easy, in fact it’s one of the hardest things to do sometimes, however once you’ve made the right choice it frees you from many other things. Many of which are more difficult than the first choice.
Thought provoking Bob and needed especially today. I’m totally in control of two things, .1. My attitude 2. My effort. I needed the reminder.
Thanks for this inspirational and faith-confirming post, Pastor Bob. Yes, I too, am choosing anew this day whom I will serve. I choose to serve the Lord and I pray I might serve him with joy, even when the journey takes me over rough waters.
I also chose Yeshua/Jesus and it’s the best decision I’ve made in this life. Much love & light to all. Namaste