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15 EPIC IMAGES Uncategorized


A picture is worth 1,000 words. Here is the equivalent of 15,000 words and you can feel their effect in less than 60 seconds. See what's possible with photography and a bit of creative thinking. From wildlife... to a an unexpected highrise guest. This post has images for everybody's imagination. #1. Plane in a strange place. Photo by David Kovalenko on Unsplash #2. Charlotte's Web... #3. To be or to bee... #4. Now I lay me down to sleep...#5. What do you say, Grasshopper...#6. A whole new look at the domino effect... #7. Overcoming gravity...#8. Oh yeah...#9. On a wing and prayer...#10. Go to the ant...#11. On a clear day you can see... #12. And a one, and a two…
Bob Jones
May 25, 2014