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Resolutions can make a big difference in your life – even if you don’t do a perfect job sticking with them. And resolutions aren't just for January. They work in August, or September or whenever you apply them. Powerful changes tomorrow start with positive choices today. Which of these nine choices will rise to the top for you? 9 Resolutions Worth Making 1. Cut Others Some Slack Say "yes" to being offended less and reserving your anger for issues that really matter. 2. Cut Yourself Some Slack When you mess up, drop the ball or let people you care about down, do what you can to make it right, but be quick to move on and show yourself the same…
Bob Jones
December 30, 2015
Personal Transformation: Making the Changes You Want Uncategorized

Personal Transformation: Making the Changes You Want

My life revolves around transformation. I help people change their beliefs and their thinking. All of the success I’ve seen involves faith, love and hope. There have been some instantaneous, miraculous examples of change but mostly they've been from persevering, intentional, daily choices that lead to change. What do you want to change? 1. Change happens when we know enough to want to or hurt enough to have to. For most, it’s the “hurt” factor. Pain is a powerful motivator. That’s just the way life is. Pain can be a good thing. It’s one of God’s ways of getting our attention. C.S. Lewis said, “God whispers in our pleasures, but shouts in our pain.” You may be reading this because…
Bob Jones
October 30, 2013