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Brian Glubish

Life Formation

Teetering Crosses and Unopened Bibles

The Bible can raise a lot of hell. Discussing what's in the Bible or what people think is in the Bible can get heated. So how can you understand and talk about the Bible without people losing their minds or their faith? (more…)
Bob Jones
August 14, 2021
Life Formation

Confessions Of A Proverbial Fool

One year ago, October 24, 2015 I checked off an item on my spiritual bucket list — I finished memorizing the Book of Proverbs. In my journal I noted: “Memorization completed. Reserved elation. Grateful for the experience, the insights and for HIS grace that provided the drive and discipline. Now to review! Hopefully re-memorizing takes much less effort and yields even more delight.” (more…)
Bob Jones
August 30, 2020