Every day around the world 30,000,000 people will give a public speech of some sort. For most people, public speaking may not kill them but it can come close. Its the #1 fear next to dying. That’s a universe of anxiety.
Seth Godin, prolific author, and master communicator says, “Public speaking done well helps people deeply connect to who you are and how you make a difference in the world.”
Seth’s 5 Keys To Speak Your Best
1. Understand Yourself
Fundamentally, if you don’t truly know yourself, you will never build a genuine connection with your audience.
Most speakers’ first mistake is wanting to become like other speakers who are dynamic and energetic. What you need to learn is to be more authentically yourself. To play to your own strengths, not to the strengths of others. As you do, you will build honest and powerful relationships with your audience.

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2. Master the Basics
It’s amazing how often speakers want to skip the basics.
But the speakers who succeed are the ones who not only know the basics, but have committed to focusing on mastering the basics. What are they? At their essence, the basics require that you be connected, clear, concise, and compelling. If you lose these, you lose your audience.

Photo by Ben Koorengevel on Unsplash
3. Start Strong
Attention spans are slipping. Some of the latest research suggests that even goldfish have longer attention spans than most people, so leading in a clear and powerful manner is essential.
Most people are willing to give you their attention, if what you have to share is valuable. But if it’s not communicated in a way that they can clearly see the value, you’ll lose them right away.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash
4. Close with Purpose
A strong start with a weak close won’t do much to propel your message, your objective, or your credibility.
The goal of public speaking is to encourage and compel action. Making that happen is up to you, and a clear, solid closing message is essential. Get clear in your mind what EXACTLY you want people to do next and why it will help them.

Photo by David Iskander on Unsplash
5. Handle Yourself Like a Pro
Even when speakers have a compelling message, they often diminish the value of that message by mishandling themselves either in the lead up to the event, or during the time on the platform.
You can see who’s prepared and who’s not. You want to forget those whose on stage presence started to feel as uncomfortable for you as it did for them.
Even before you speak your first word, you presence, your experience, and your gravitas should be speaking clearly.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
Which of Godin’s points is most helpful to you? Please leave a comment below. Thank you.
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