Reuben Celemin is a man on a mission. In March 2016 Reuben shared his dream with me of starting a fitness and faith group for men at North Pointe.
Men can get stuck in a rut – so busy taking care of everyone else that they forget themselves. Reuben’s group would start with whoever showed up and see where it could go. Men of the Rock (MOTR) hit the ground running on a cold and snowy March Saturday morning. Three years later the group is flying and the men credit Reuben with their inspiration.

Contagious Passion
Reuben’s passion is contagious. He puts the guys through their paces super early on Saturday mornings. A post-workout breakfast is served along with a healthy dose of spiritual encouragement. Reuben challenged the guys to make a commitment to themselves and each other to show up every Saturday and get in shape together. And they eagerly responded.
A Wednesday evening run was added on. Rain, snow, or heat couldn’t deter the guys. Some drove for miles to keep their commitment to attend. The harder Reuben worked them, the more men wanted to be included. The group tripled in no time.
MOTR worked out in the hallways, the auditorium, classrooms, the parking lot as well as the gym of North Pointe – an awesome way to make use of a church facility.
One Year Later
One year after establishing MOTR, Reuben achieved his trainer’s certification and started teaching at City Fit Shop in Edmonton. More MOTR groups started up in the Edmonton area. A vision for going province and nationwide was born. Participants credited MOTR with helping them gain a new lease on life.
The men not only entered races they showed up to volunteer at events like the Walk Run Ride for Hope, and a work bee at Moose Lake Camp – a community none of them were a part of but many volunteered at in a time of need.
A Champion’s Heart
A tragic accident with heavy equipment in August 2018 cost Reuben part of his thumb. The fact that he now has some use of the thumb is a testament to God’s grace and Reuben’s tenacity. If you’ve ever had your dreams crushed by unexpected trauma you will be able to relate to Reuben. He trained and worked tirelessly to qualify for the 2018 Obstacle Course Racing World Championships (OCRWC). His family and friends were elated when Reuben qualified. He intensified his workouts in anticipation of going for gold. The accident and subsequent surgery forced him to withdraw.
A lesser man might have despaired and thrown in the towel. Reuben has a champion’s heart. He bore down, did what he could to keep training, encouraged others and got himself back on track for the 2019 Championships in London England. On June 2nd, 2019 he beat the odds and qualified.

Human Endurance
I’ve run a marathon, but that’s child play compared to what OCR’s demand of you. If you’ve never raced in a Spartan, a Super-Beast or a world qualifying OCR then you’ve never known the limits of human endurance to which those races push you. Reuben helps men – and now women – discover a depth to their courage and tenacity they never knew they had before meeting him.
Reuben Celemin is a champion for his wife Tatiana and their marriage; his children Lucas and Sarah and their dreams.
Reuben is the epitome of what passion and a dream can do for you. The praise of others is well-deserved but Reuben carried through on his dream because he wanted to serve God.
Thank you Reuben for being our example.
APPLICATION: For information about MOTR or to sign up (no cost) go to their Facebook page. Please leave a comment for Reuben below.
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Routing for YOU Reuben
Proud of all you have accomplished
and looking forward to see you jump
out of that plane ✈️