I’ve spent my life trying to make faith easy. The truth is, it’s not. What I am trying to do now is make my faith simple. Bob shows the way.
Women and men with simple faith are rivers, not reservoirs.
They receive love and give it away. All. Of. It. Nothing held in reserve for a dry day.
Bob Goff, a recovering lawyer and philanthropist boiled simple faith down to two words: everybody, always.
I had lunch with Bob a few years ago, learned about his first book, Love Does and read it through. Changed my life. He gave me a vision for what can happen in a person’s life when they say “yes” to God and become devoted to giving love away.

I used to think you had to be special for God to use you, but now I know you simply need to say yes.
Bob took all the money from the sales of his book and put love to work.
He opened schools, safe houses, homes for abandoned infants and orphanages in Somalia, Iraq, Uganda, Nepal and countries where regional conflicts endangered the lives of the children living there. He told stories of what he learned about the immense power that love has in the world today.
Jesus talked with his friends about how his followers should identify themselves. He said it wouldn’t be what we said we believed or the good things we hoped to do someday. Jesus said we would identify ourselves by how we have loved people.
His second book, Everybody Always is devastatingly delightful. You simply cannot live the same after applying it.

13 Insights About Love According To Bob
1. We can be correct and not right.
2. We can have the right words and the wrong heart.
3. Whenever I make my opinions more important than the people God made, I turn the wine back into water.
4. Don’t take the bait of trading kindness for rightness.
5. Take the most controversial social issues of the day. You will find passionate voices on both sides. That sad fact is many of us have lost our way trying to find people find theirs.

6. Arguments won’t change people.
7. Simply giving away kindness won’t either.
8. Only Jesus has the power to change people.
9. It is harder for people to see Jesus if their view of Him is blocked by our big opinions.
10. While we might be known for our opinions we will be remembered for our love.
11. Burning down others’ opinions does not make us right. It makes us arsonists.
12. We will become in our lives what we do with God’s love.
13. Those who are becoming love don’t throw people off roofs, they lower people through them instead.
Which one is your favourite insight? Please leave a comment below. Love Does. Thank you.
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We will become what we do with God’s love.
This is quite a message. Thanks for sharing.
I used to think you had to be special for God to use you, but now I know you simply need to say yes. – Love this!!
My favourite is #10… While we might be known for our opinions we will be remembered for our love.
That is so powerful!