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Our sons and their wives have blessed us with five grandkids – Quinn Marie, Lena Grace, Vincent William, Annora Lyn, and Jayda Jamieson.

I am reminded of the middle names of our grandkids because I heard both being used during a family gathering. You know you’re in trouble when your mom or dad uses your full name, right?

My youngest son asked me if I ever got impatient with him when he was little. The first thing I thought to say was, “I’m glad you don’t remember.”

Here’s what I actually said…

1. Parenting and impatience go hand-in-hand.

“It was disappointing to me when I felt impatient towards you and your brother.”

I thought I was patient. Parenting showed me that I wasn’t.

The level of a child’s annoyance is strangely correlated to a parent’s fatigue and stress level. Overactive and tired children can grate on an already distressed parent’s nerves. They did on mine.

Pre-schoolers aren’t expected to have a lot of self-control, especially when they are tired. Expectations are much, much higher with parents, even when they are tired.

“Son, you don’t have to be perfect as a parent, just under control. God is good at helping parents develop self-control.”

When life pushes you to your limit and you are hard pressed, what squeezes out will be how much of God’s love y2014-07-27 11.02.10ou’ve allowed in to your life.

2. Enjoy their childishness while you can.

Sooner than you know it or like it, they will be growing up, moving on and moving out. Childhood is a gift that parents can enjoy vicariously.

See your role as “Dad” as your highest calling. Your kids are a gift from God. They are more precious than anything that can be bought. Their formative time with you is relatively brief. Each day is precious. Don’t wish any day away because of your own dreams.

Love them.

Protect them.

Enjoy them.

As they age, be prepared to hold them while you let them go.

3. You are the most valuable male in your daughters’ lives.

You will show your daughters how a man should treat a woman by how you treat their mom and how you treat them.

Do everything you can to avoid sending them to events – take them.

Go to their swimming classes, ballet classes, soccer games, and football games. Take them to church with you – don’t send them with their mom. Volunteer to be their coach in sports. Show up at the school activity days. Watch movies they like.

Have a tea party at least once a week. Wear pink, if necessary (real fathers do).

Help them grow up knowing one thing – that they never have to earn your love. That you love them because they are yours. You will always be their biggest fan. In so doing you give them the best shot at understanding God’s kind of love for them.

Hug their mom in front of them. Kiss their mom in front of them. Open doors for her. Pull out a chair for her. Say good things about her in front of them. When things go sideways, let them hear you apologize. Help them feel comforted by the tone and temper of your voice.

You’ll be glad you did. I know, because I am your father.

I wrote this post 9 years ago and updated it this year. I’m proud of my sons and the way they are raising our grandkids.

Are you a parent? Do you have grandkids?  What’s one thing you love about parenting or aboiut being a grandparent? Please leave a comment below.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 45 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers


  • Anne Chung says:

    My late husband, Winston always had time for our 2 girls growing up. Now it’s those precious memories they hold dear to their hearts. He was the MVM in their lives!! Thank you Pastor Bob for your awesome advice to all parents & grandparents 😉

  • bob jones says:

    Winston was a wise father. Your daughters are blessed, Anne. Its a privilege to have a small role in their lives now.

  • Julie MacKenzie says:

    I loved the blog this morning. Great advice, as usual. Thank you for sharing it with us. My Dad was a great role model. My Mom was his Queen & I was his Princess…& my brothers were the little Princes. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for his family. We were always his #1 Priority…& we knew it. He respected his parents…in fact, my Grandparents lived with us for about 3 years. He finished the room downstairs to accommodate them. He was a loving gentle soul. Had very few words to say…unless he needed to. The strong silent type. In fact, you remind me of my own Dad…even though you are too young to be my Dad. But, you sure have the same qualities & characteristics that my Dad had. Humble and so kind. Have a great week Pastor Bob. ❤️

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